Monday 30 January 2012

Our new playground ideas

Please take a look at the link of the childrens ideas. Please feel free to add your ideas.

week of 30th January 2012

This week we will be continuing with our Goldilocks and the three bears. We will also be starting a small project with the children to find out what they would like from an outside area and what they like to play with outside. We will be dong some research on the Internet, looking at catalogues and books, drawing, cutting and sticking to make a 'wish list'.

PSRN:- Size and language related to size. Comparisons of size. Number recognition and counting. Matching and sorting.

CLL:- Goldilocks and the three bears, recalling and retelling the story. Sounds and Letters will be musical instruments, playing with instruments, learning their names and recognising the sounds.

@Home:- We have been playing lots of different CD'S and styles of music in the mornings and getting the children to listen and say if they like it, what does it make them think about and what instruments can they hear. They could do this  at home. We have been listening to Adele and Ellie Goulding this week so whatever you enjoy at home is great!

Friday 27 January 2012

Science Family Fun - THS

The Thomas Hardye School is pleased to invite you on Saturday 17th March, 2012 from 1.00 till 4.00pm to 'Science Family Fun' in the Science Area. Bring your family and friends and come and work through a range of experiments and problem solving activities. This is a rolling programme of events involving St. Osmund's, Dorchester Middle, Puddletown St. Mary's and the Thomas Hardye School. Participating students will be awarded a school ceetificate. Attendance at three Science Family Fun Days will lead to the award of a CREST Science Investigators Star certificate. -Celebrating National Science and Engineering Week "Our World in Motion" - Open to all members of the public - Admission free - Refreshment available donations to Julia's House - Fair Trade produce available.

Thursday 26 January 2012

A note from Mr. Butcher's Blog - FREE SMARTIES

Taken from Mr. Butcher's Blog - I (Mr. Butcher) am giving away Free tubes of smarties to those that want to help with fundraising. There is a catch……you can eat the smarties but then save up all those odd 20 pence pieces putting them in the empty tube, once full you bring the tube to me with the money inside (about £6) and I will give you a new tube full of smarties to start all over again.

Song for Dorchester - Tag Cloud

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our tag cloud for the 'Song for Dorchester'. The tag cloud created can now be seen by clicking the image on our blog, the more popular a word was, the bigger it appears in our tag cloud. I have now sent this through to the Mayor of Dorchester so that it can be used as part of the wider project. Thank-you again for your help. Mr. Spracklen

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Mid week questions

How many teddies are in your house?

Please write answer on star (which is in your pigeon holes) and bring back to preschool.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Week of 23rd January 2012

This week we will be enjoying and learning using the story of Goldilocks and the Three bears. The Tree House theatre will be coming in on Tuesday to perform this story. They have been to us a number of times before and are very good.
We will be doing lots of number activities, cooking with oats and role playing the story.

PSRN:- Size and language related to size
Comparisons of size
Number recognition and counting
Matching and sorting

CLL:- Goldilocks and the three bears, recalling and retelling the story.
Sounds and letters will be musical instruments, playing with instruments, learning their names and recognising their sounds.

@Home:- Talk about the story of Goldilocks and the three bears, can you retell it to your child, perhaps put in something different and see if they notice.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Mid week question

What was their favourite part of the library trip?

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Week 16th January 2012

This week we will be going to the library on the DASP mini bus. The children will be listening to stories, sining, looking around the library, and choosing books to share  with there friends at preschool. The children will be recording their trip in their green books with pictures, photos and words.
we will be makng bookmarks and organising activities around the books they choose.

PSRN:- Numbers through stories

CLL:- sounds and favourite books.

@Home:- Ask about the trip to the library. Can they remember what book they chose?

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Mr. Butcher's Blog

Mr. Butcher (site manager) will be embarking on a Trek in Nepal this May to raise funds for the Fostering Network. To keep us up to date with his fundraising progress and how the trip goes, Mr. Butcher has kindly set up his own blog which can be accessed by clicking the link on the school homepage or by going direct to: Please check out the blog and consider sponsoring Mr. Butcher for this worthwhile charity.

Saturday 14 January 2012


POWSA have raised £139.83 (as at 13/01/12) with so far but we need your help to keep donations coming in. Sign up at and start making a difference...simply by shopping. Shop Online and Raise Money! Have you heard about easyfundraising yet? It’s the easiest way to help raise money for Prince Of Wales School Association POWSA - Dorchester! If you already shop online with retailers such as Amazon, M&S, Argos, John Lewis, Comet, Vodafone, eBay, Boden and, then we need you to sign up for free to raise money while you shop! So how does it work?  You shop directly with the retailer as you would normally, but if you sign up to for free and use the links on the easyfundraising site to take you to the retailer, then a percentage of whatever you spend comes directly to us at no extra cost to yourself. How much can you raise?Spend £100 with M&S online or Amazon and you raise £2.50 for us. £100 with WH Smith puts £2.00 in our pocket and so on. There's over 2,000 retailers on their site, and some of the donations can be as much as 15% of your purchase. Save money too! Easyfundraising is FREE to use plus you'll get access to hundreds of exclusive discounts and voucher codes, so not only will you be helping us, you’ll be saving money yourself.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Mid week question

Can you remember the story we have been reading this week?

it would be great if you could leave a comment.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Streetwise Competition

LV=Streetwise is a Safety Activity Centre in Bournemouth that pupils in Year 2 visit each year. This year they are running a schools' competition to re-name the railway station (currently Streetwise Central). The overall winner's prize is First Class return train travel to London and entrance to Madame Tussauds for a family of four, with a runner up cheque for £50. There are two age groups - 8 and under and 11 and under - and both winners will be invited to LV=Streetwise for a presentation photograph in early April with one or more of the judges at the newly named railway station. The closing date is Friday 30th March 2012 giving the overall winner an exciting day out in London for the Easter holidays! If you would like more information or would like to enter the competition you can visit: to find out more.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

4th December 2011


This week we will be talking about what we did when we were on Christmas Holiday.

If your child or family went to a show, pantomime, concert, play etc please bring in a photo, programme, picture or something for us to look at and talk about, we will be planning the next weeks from that. we will also be in some traditional tales such as Cinderella.

PSRN:- Making a new number line. Children to choose the resources to match what we have been talking about.

CLL:- For this half term we will be focusing on sounds and letters, listening and talking, stories and rhymes.

@Home:- Play listening games indoors or on walks, asking what can they hear? Can your child make the sound themselves? Make a sound yourself and ask your child to guess what it might be (funny ones are good!!)

If you have been to a show, it would be great if you can bring in the programme.