Thursday 23 February 2012

Mid week question

What was your favourite topping on your pancakes?

Sunday 19 February 2012

Week of 20-25th February

Welcome back!
We will begin this week learning about pancakes, stories, cooking and races.

Our ingredients for pancakes will include Fair Trade food which will lead us into a whole school themed week about 'global awareness' we hav lots of activities planned including music, stories, food and art.

We will be writinf a letter to Lamin and Mustapha in Mandinars (Gambia) telling them about out preschool, we would also like to send some photos of how we celebrate birthdays. Would you have a party photo of your child we could send? Please let us know.

PSRN:- Using natural materials such as pine cones, shells, pebbles to count and sort.

CLL:- Mr Wolfs Pancakes book + Cd
Lots of books from around the world including Charlie and Lola love chocolate and Handas Suprise.
Maps and Atlasas

@Home:- Look out for the fair trade logo on food at the shops and at home.

Sunday 5 February 2012

week of 6th February 2012

This week from the interest of some of the children we will be constructing using junk.

Learning about bugs and insects.

Cooking using the last of our eggs from Sam and John in year 1 and 3.

Celebrating Valentines day.

Completing and publishing our pre-school newspaper.

A busy week I am sure you will agree!!!

Happy Half Term Holidays.

PSRN:- Using natural materials such as pine cones, shells, pebbles to count and sort.

CLL:- Enjoying the stories of Percy the park keeper.

New book- The love bugs

Looking at gardening books to understand information can be relayed in the form of print.

@Home:- Continue to listen to different kinds of music, thinking about why we enjoy and what we can hear.
Who is Percy? Can you remember what little animals are in the stories.