Sunday 29 April 2012

Week 30th April 2012-Afternoon children

This week we will be threading using beads, teddies and cards and making pasta necklaces.
We will be doing handprinting with a friends and talking about kind hands.
We will be using our hands and fingers to plant seeds.

PSRN:- Exploring number and counting using story time.

CLL:- Number stories, Ex[ploring rhyme wih sounds and letters.

@Home:- Think of number rhymes to sing at home e.g. 5 little Ducks and 5 Frogs.

Week of 30th April 2012-Morning and all day children

This week we are finsiging off our vegetable challenge, using the last of our vegetables to make soup and pizza.
We will be then looking at a book called Honey Biscuits which some of the children have enjoyed and been asking about bees. We will be talking about where the diffrent ingredients come from.
We will also be planting seeds and vegetables in our garden.
HAS ANYONE GOT A BIG WHEELBARROW WE CAN BORROW OR HAVE, we are entering a garden competition and it needs to be grown in a wheelbarrow.

PSRN:- Exploring with numicon
Weighing and counting out ingredients.

CLL:-Honey Biscuits by Meredith Hooper
The next issue of our newspaper will be out soon.

@Home:- Have you got anything growing in your garden?
What are mum and dad's favourite vegetables?

Thursday 26 April 2012


A NOTE FROM THE POWSA BLOG - This years Summer Fair will be on the 26th May between 11am and 2pm.  Please come and join in!  If you would like to help, there is a form on the POWSA noticeboard (opposite the Office).

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Settings Change

Our blog settings have been changed to improve the use of blogs throughout the school. You can now add a comment to a blog post without being required to sign in. Why not have a go at this now by clicking this blog title and navigating and clicking on the text which says, 'comments'. Comments are an excellent way we can have positive feedback on the work we are all doing in school and you are all doing through home learning. Mr. Spracklen

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Mr. Spracklen’s Digital Leaders

A big THANK YOU to all pupils who applied to become one of Mr. Spracklen’s Digital Leaders! There was a huge response and it was very difficult to pick just one child from each class. I have have now decided who will represent each class and have written to each pupil offering them positions as Digital Leaders and inviting them to our first meeting. May I thank everyone again who applied and encourage those pupils that were not successful this time to apply again in the future and attend one of our I.C.T lunchtime clubs which currently include Augmented Reality Club on a Monday lunchtime with me, Mr. Spracklen and Maths I.C.T Club on a Friday lunchtime with Miss. Johnson.

Monday 23 April 2012

week of 23.4.12-Afternoon children

This week we will be reading Wibblys Garden, and Jaspers beanstalk, finding the creatures in the story, then seeing if we can find them in the garden and planting seeds. Thinking and learning about roots, and what is needed to make things grow.
We will be reading the story of Jack and the beanstalk and exploring activities around the story.

PSRN:- Counting using Wibblys garden story

CLL:- Wibbly's Garden

@Home:- Have you got anything growing in your garden?

week of 23.4.12

This week is our vegetable challenge week, hopefully the children will be bringing in their favourite vegetables which we will eat for snack, or cook with or even use for printing, our challenge is to use everything by the end of the week. Talk about what we like and try our friends favourites if they are new to us. We will be drawing, painting and making booklets to record the week.

PSRN:- A vegetable shop in the number area. Using number language bigger, long and longer, short and small.

CLL:- Olivers vegetables, lots of non fiction growing books. the next issue of our newspaper will be out soon.

@Home:- Have you got anything growing in your garden?
What have you been planting?

Monday 16 April 2012

Week of 15/4/12-Morning/All day children

Welcome back to the summer term. with lots of summery weather!
This week we will be planting seeds, planning things to grow and organising our outside spaces for growing.
We will be doing lots of measuring. We will be exploring floating and sinking. we have lots of activities planned using our names to think about letters and their sounds.

PSRN:- Measuring, watching things grow and recording their changing measurements. Using and exploring tallest, shortest and asking the questions which is tallest, longest or the shortest.

CLL:- Aseed in need, Wibblys Garden, Jaspers beanstalk

@Home:- When your out and about or busy at home ask what you can see that is tallest or shortest.
Have you got any vegetables growing in your garden? Did you grow them from seed?

Sunday 15 April 2012

Week of 16/4/12-Afternoon children

Welcome back to the summer term, this week we will be reading wibblys garden, finding creatures in the story, then seeing if we can find them in the garden, and planting seeds. Thinking and learning about roots, and what is needed to make things grow.

We will be reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and exploring activities around the story.

PSRN:- counting using wibblys garden story.

CLL:- Wibblys garden, Jasper beanstalk

@Home:- Have you got anything growing in your garden.

Tarpaulins Needed

Do you have a spare tarpaulin that you could let Year 2 borrow? We will be using them for a large art based project we have planned in the coming weeks. Any large tarpaulin in any colour would be very gratefully received. We promise to look after your tarpaulin and return it to you when we have finished our project. Please pass your named tarpaulin to Mr. Spracklen or Mrs. Webb in Year. 2 if you have one who will take good care of it. Many thanks in advance.