Wednesday 20 June 2012

Reminder - Home Learning Competition!

Just a quick reminder that Mr. Farrington, Miss. Johnson and Mr. Spracklen would like to see some fantastic examples of ‘Home Learning’ captured in a photograph. We are thinking art projects, work on Mathletics, spelling practice, visits to museums, reading, having a discussion on SWGfL Merlin, doing some research and much more! The opportunities are endless and special attention will be given to those entries that think creatively. As a prize we hope to feature the best images on a newly designed home learning booklet that all pupils will be using in September. Therefore, by submitting your photographs to the competition you are agreeing that they can be used for this purpose. All competition entries should be sent by email to the school office ( no later than 3.30pm on Friday 6th July, 2012. Any questions please see Mr. Spracklen or Miss. Johnson. Thank you for your continued support, Mr. Spracklen

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Week of 18th June 2012

This week we will be continuing with our activities we have planned following our trip to the outside play area at the childrens centre.

We will be looking at bugs and bug hunting, making a log pile and a diary and photo record of whats happeing in the log pile.

Our role play will be going on a bus journey. If you went on a bus journey where would you like to go?

We will also have lots of books and pictures about going to reception.

PSRN:- Using Mick Inkpen's great pet sale to count and add on.

CLL:- The stories of Mick Inkpen including The Great Pet sale, Billy's Beetle and Kipper's Monster.

@Home LOOK!!!!!

Do you have slugs and snails in your garden? Have you found any interesting bugs?

Wednesday 13 June 2012

What did you think of our Soirée?

A big well done to all our performers who did the school proud last night in our annual Summer Musical Soirée! If you missed it, we had Recorders, Guitars, Violins, Drums, a Cello, a Saxophone, a Mystery Guest plus so much more! We also had a group of World Famous Performers (also known as the Prince of Wales School Staff Choir). We would love to know what you thought of the Summer Musical Soirée and welcome your comments using this blog. Simply click the blog title (on the school website) - scroll to the bottom of the page and add text in the field which says: 'Post a comment'. Choose your account type or alternatively click name/url. To publish your post click 'Publish'.


I would like to say a thank-you to everyone who helped to make the evening such a success. Special thanks must go to: Miss. Broodle, Mrs. Staddon, Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Bernard, Mr. Creee, Mr. Thornton, Mrs. Hopkins and Dorchester Middle School for hosting. Mr. Spracklen

Thursday 7 June 2012

Reminder - Musical Soirèe

A quick reminder that the Prince of Wales Musical Soirèe is going to be taking place on Tuesday 12th June at 6pm in the Dorchester Middle School hall. Doors open at 5.45pm for a Drinks Reception that will include canapés created by each class as part of our Food for Life work. The purpose of the celebration is for all children to gain experience in performing in front of an audience and see the progress our children are making musically as they progress through the school and beyond. If you would like to join us for the celebration please speak to a member of the Office Team. Mr. Spracklen

Spare Bunting?

As the Diamond Jubilee celebrations officially come to an end, we would love to accept your spare bunting that you may now be taking down. We hope to use the bunting as part of our Musical Soiree at Dorchester Middle School on Tuesday 12th June, 2012. Any spare bunting can be given to Mr. Spracklen or Mrs. Webb a.s.a.p.