Monday 17 December 2012

Week of 17th December

This week we will continue to enjoy the preparations for Christmas,making Christmas decorations, cooking, singing and reading lots of Christmas stories.
Some of the children have been asking about Father Christmas's reindeer so we will be learning Rudolph the red nose reindeer and the names of the other reindeer, do you know them?

We hope to go to the school play on Monday and carol singing at school Thursday afternoon.

Don't forget £1 for the party Friday... We have a magician!!!
Merry Christmas and a happy new year from all the pre school team.

Communication and language:-
Listening to stories with increasing control.
A new poem called speeding through space by Brenda Williams.

Personal social and emotional development:-
Taking turns, working together, helping each other.

@home:- LOOK!!!!
Why not write about your Christmas in your green magic moment book.

Monday 10 December 2012

Week of 10th December

Glitter, glitter, glitter

This week we will be enjoying the prepartions for christmas, making christmas decorations, cooking, singing and reading lots of christmas stories.

Don't forget the breakfast on Tuesday

Communication and Language:-

Listening to stories with increasing recall.

Personal social and emotional development:-
Taking turns, working together, helping each other.
Self confidence and self awareness; communictae freely about home and community.

@Home LOOK!!!!

Have you got your tree up yet? Do tell us.
Blog Question:- Whats your favourite christmas food, ask all the family!!!!

Tuesday 4 December 2012

POWSA Christmas Fair this Friday

We are desperate for volunteers to help at the fair this Friday! Please let us know if you can help at any time during the afternoon to help setup or after school for running a stall. There is a form on the white board by the school office or you could email us to let us know -

Thanks - Jon

Sunday 2 December 2012

Week of 3rd December 2012

We had a lovely trip to the garden centre, all the children enjoyed themselves and we have come back full of ideas for things to make for Christmas. Each group had a challenge of objects to find whilst we walked round, which they all enjoyed taking part in.

This week we start our Christmas activities and celebrations.
We will be enjoying the Christmas story, playing with a Nativity scene and dressing up. We will also be making Christmas decorations to display on a tree at the chirtsmas tree festival at St Georges Church, Fordington. As well as some to take home for our own tree.

On Wednesday and Thursday we will be celebrating St Nicholas day, a popular Christmas Celebration in Germany and Holland.

EYFS (Understanding the world:People and communities)

Communication and Language:-

Listening to stories with increasing recall.

Personal Social and emotional development:-

Taking turns, working together, helping each other (getting on and falling out.)
Self confidence and self awareness, communicate freely about home and community.

@Home LOOK!!!!!

Don't forget the christmas faye on 7th December at 3.30 onwards in the main school hall.
The tree festival at St Georges Church, try to have a look.