Sunday 24 March 2013


Dear parents,
we continue to enjoying making Easter decorations this week.
we will also be making a chocolate treat, taking part in an easter egg hunt, following clues to find the eggs., and enjoying hot cross buns.
we will spend some time talking about Easter traditions, does your family have a tradition they always follow at Easter ?
our stories and poems will all have an Easter theme, especially a poem called easter hats, which  uses every day language to talk about size and position.
we will sing 5 hot cross buns to think about numbers and groups of numbers.

have you seen all the lovely easter stories in Waterstones and the library? there are some lovely new titles to enjoy.

Sunday 17 March 2013


Dear Parents,
Over the next two weeks we will be learning and exploring within the theme of Easter.
we will be using the topic to learn about size and number.
We will be enjoying lots of crafts, colours, patterns and shapes, poems and stories. All of these things are based on the Easter display we saw at the garden centre and the objects the children liked best.
We will be talking about them and the children will be thinking about what resources we need.

Dont forget to check the blog midweek so we can let you know what we have been doing!

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Our trip to the garden centre

Dear Parents,
We have had a lovely time this week at the garden centre. We have brought seed potatoes, vegetable and flower seeds for the garden and bird seed. We looked at the Easter display and took lots of photographs so we can decide what decorations we want to make for Easter.

Don't forget to wear something red for comic relief if you are coming to Pre school Friday.

If you have a shared book at home don't forget to pass it on so everyone can enjoy it,thank you to all those who write a comment, we include them all in the children's learning journeys.

Sunday 10 March 2013

Week commencing 11/03

Due to an IT error please read the blog entitled "Our trip to the garden centre", for the most up to date Pre school information

Thank you
Has anyone been reading Mick Inkpen's stories at home this week?
Have you discovered Kipper?
Has anyone read, 'The Blue Balloon' or 'Kippers Toy Box'?
These are all great books to share with fun illustrations. Dont forget you can find them at the Library, or ask any of the pre school team if you would like to borrow one.

Don't forget to return your slip for the trip next week!

Our trip to the garden centre

Dear Parents,
This week lots of us will be visiting the Poundbury garden centre.
We will be travelling on the DASP schools mini bus, which is always a popular part of any of our trips!
When we are there we will be buying seed potatoes and seeds to plant in the play area. Hopefully when the weather improves (I am looking out the window at sleet!!!!) we will look at the Easter display to gets some ideas for our Easter crafts.
During the week we will also be talking about spring, plants and flowers and of course Easter.

For comic relief on Friday wear something red, anything you like socks, t shirt etc and we will be having a red snack and doing a red craft.


Thursday 7 March 2013

year three's assembly

On red nose day Year three are holding an assembly it is going to be super funny, so please come if you can make it! If you can come there will be jokes ,facts,Oliver doing a funny thing for you and lots of other stuff. So come and watch our assembly.

Posted by POW Digital Leaders

Friday 1 March 2013


Dear Parents,
 This past week we have enjoyed exploring the topic of pets, we have had gerbils, dogs, horses and land snails to visit, with hopefully some more suprises next week.

We will also be reading the story of Kippers Toybox and using the story as a starting point for more counting activities.

we will be enjoying craft activities for a special day next sunday !! and thinking about spring ahead of our trip to the garden centre the week of the 11th March (don't forget to sign your slip)

have you got a Mick Inkpen story at home? if so which one is your favourite? if not see if you can find one at the library or book shop, we love them!!