Monday 20 May 2013

POWSA Silent Auction

POWSA Silent Auction

The silent auction started at the Summer Fair on Saturday 18th May and will be drawn on the morning of Wednesday 22nd May - so you still have time to bid for one of the items! Please go to the school office for a bid form.

Item 1 - a set of second hand ladies golf clubs with a brand new golf bag. 

Item 2 – A family ticket to Wookey Hole Caves and attractions

Item 3 – Family ticket to Lulworth Castle

Item 4 - 2 child tickets to Fleet Air Arm Museum.

Item 5 - 2 child tickets to Marwell Zoo.

Item 6 – White Company Fragrance Set.

Item 7 – A ladies bag and 2 scarves.

Item 8 – 3 course Dinner for two at Moonfleet Manor (excluding drinks).

Item 9 – Lunch for two at Olives et al

Item 10 - Green Fee voucher for four people at Came Down Golf Club

Sunday 19 May 2013

things that start with s

All the children that were in last week made a pizza and chose their toppings themselves, lots showed their very good knife skills, chopping peppers and mushrooms, and most of the children had a go at grating, everyone did well spreading rolling and kneading, all those skills are part of their physical development(PD).     I hope you all enjoyed them at home.

Thank you to those who filled in the sticky labels, we are going to be busy this week counting up the different favourite toppings. We will then put findings onto a graph on the computer. (MD)

Continuing on with our thinking about healthy foods and how they make our bodies work, this week we will be making different sandwiches every day using fruits, vegtables,bread, rolls, toasted sandwiches etc.  (PD, self care)

Also during the week we will be collecting together as many different words beginning with s that we can think of. (L)

Thank you to all of you who donated cakes and jars for the summer fair, the weather was lovely and I hope all of you who came along enjoyed yourselves.

Dont forget the IT session that we are running on Tuesday morning at 9am. Julia wil have lots of interesting things to tell you, there will be time for questions if you have any.   Amanda.

Dont forget we break up for half term friday, lets hope for good weather.!

Sunday 12 May 2013

things that start with p !

Due to staff illness our theme for last week, 'pizzas!' didn't really get going, but we had a lovely time on Tuesday with our grandparents and have been drawing pictures and writing words about that.

However on Friday the children helped me make a shopping list of all the ingredients I needed to buy so we can make pizzas this coming week
 We are going to be talking about healthy foods and choices, making pictures and a graph of our pizza topping choices.
The children will be rolling dough, chopping, spreading and grating, I hope you enjoy the finished results!

We are also going to have a go at thinking of all the things we use to play and learn with that starts with p and make a list, adding as the week goes on, lets see how many things we can get to.

In your pigeon hole will be a sticky label, write down your favourite pizza topping, lets see how many replies we can get!



Tuesday 7 May 2013

thank you

please pass on our thanks to all the grandparents who joned us for elevenses today. I think everybody enjoyed themselves, it was so nice to see so many grandparents staying on to look around, and play with the children. we will put some photographs up as soon as possible.

Monday 6 May 2013

Elevenses and Pizza's !

Another busy week at pre school starts tomorrow with our annual grandparents elevenses, I do hope the grandparents enjoy the morning as much as we do, the children always relish the opportunity to share their snack time with visitors and to show them what we have been doing.

Tomorrow may be our only sunny day for the rest of the week, however we do have more seeds to plant so we hope to get on with these jobs as soon as possible.

Some of the children still have some activities to finish from our lovely visit to Maiden castle farm (or as the children call it) Scarlett's farm, which they will be doing. Thank you once again to Hazel Hoskin for the super visit last week.

On Friday's I often ask the children what they would like to do in the coming week, last Friday one of the activities the children chose was cooking pizza's, so that is what we will be doing,( trying our best to include as many children as possible,) thinking about how many foods that are good for you we can put on a pizza!

last week we also had great fun singing funny songs, so this week I have found some funny poems about food to read.

Planting seeds, spreading and chopping,rolling out dough, cutting out and drawing pictures about the farm are all activities that help the children with their physical development (PD) -movement and handling.
Thinking about healthy foods also help with the childrens physical development(PD) -health and self care.     Amanda Godfrey