Sunday 24 November 2013

sensory bus

We have a very exciting week ahead of us this coming week. We have booked a sensory bus for the week, which will stay at pre school, so that we can do lots of exploring and discovering, taking  part in lots of sensory activities.
This will be from Tuesday until 3rd December so all the children will be able to have lots of exploration time.
 We will be planning our activities for the week from how we see the children using the bus, giving them more opportunities to be involved in their planning. (CL, UW, EAD)

On Monday we are going to spend some time in our nature area thinking about how we can look after birds and wildlife this winter, we will put lots of pictures, drawings and work in our nature diary.(UW)

We continue to explore sounds this week by singing songs with actions, and sounds, do ask your child if they can remember the words to 'a slinky snake' (CL, L)

We will also be discovering lots of different ways of counting for example by clapping, jumping, tapping, can you think of a different way to count? (MD) Amanda

Sunday 17 November 2013


This week the children have lots of different activities using the sound s.

We have a S sound bingo game, a scissors activity, making sandwiches, creating a shop, a collage to make and more.(CL, L)

Outside we will be planting bulbs in the nature area, beds and pots. (UW )

We also have some number challenges this week. For example, what can you make with ten cubes?

why not fill in a WOW this week telling us of a WOW moment that your child has done at home,
 or look around the house or outside and tell us of all the things you can see that start with S (remember when sounding you say sssssssssssss(like a snake! not sssssrrrrr!)
Cooking with the children was great fun last week, we all enjoyed ourselves, there is still another group to cook which will be Wednesday.

Sunday 10 November 2013

fundraising news!

We have some lovely new toys and activities in Pre school thanks to the hard work of the fundraising committee and all our families who support them.
We have some new role play toys
number games
construction activities
a small world table
small world hospital
small world caravan
and lots more.
SO if you would like to get involved there is a meeting on Tuesday 19th November at 9.15 at the pre school all welcome.

Also don't forget the bingo evening   Friday 15th November the main school hall
                                                            doors open 5.30pm
                                                           eyes down 6pm
                                                           £2 per book -15 games
                                         COFFEE, TEA, SQUASH AND CAKE!
                                         ALL WELCOME


This week we are going to play, learn and explore through the topic of hedgehogs and hibernation.
The children will have the opportunity to make hedgehog pictures using different textured resources such as  pasta, twigs, coloured papers and paint, and stretchy dough (UW, EAD PD)

We have a lovely hedgehog number game that I hope all the children will have the chance to enjoy.(MD, numbers, counting up to 10 or past 10 to 20)

Our books this week will be the stories of Percy the Park keeper, by Nick Butterworth, one of which is called the hedgehogs balloon. these are lovely stories with lots of woodland animals in which we will be thinking about when exploring hibernation. Some of the stories are a little long, however the stories are funny and there is lots to see and talk about in the illustrations. (CL, L)

Some of the  children have asked to do cooking this week, so we will be making something nice!
( as there are so many of us if your child does not cook this week they will be cooking next week)


Friday 1 November 2013


Welcome back, I hope everybody enjoyed their half term week.

This coming week we will be celebrating firework night. we will be talking about how we have been celebrating the event, by visiting a display, or at home in the garden (UW)

We will be enjoying experimenting with colour and lots of different paint effects to create firework pictures (EAD) the children will be creating their art work on different shapes of card and paper (MD-ssm) and using shapes in the number area this week.

Our food focus this week will be based around firework parties, so TUESDAY children please tell us if your child does not eat sausages!

We will also be exploring a computer program to tell our firework stories, dressing up in the role play area, making firework biscuits and exploring in the sensory room, where we will be listening to music and enjoying firework 'lights' (EAD, CL)

The children will be  using cellophane and dark paper to make pictures on the light box. We will be using scissors to create the shapes and make a picture ( PD, EAD)

Our books will be 'I see Fall' and 'Skip through the Seasons'

I hope everyone is enjoying the sharing book, don't forget to pass it on!

 stay and play Tuesday 5th November 8.30 - 9.05    Amanda