Friday 19 July 2013


Please if you can over the holidays visit the new Dorchester Library (situated at the bottom of the new council offices). it is  fantastic ! They have some great events on in the summer for the children, and a book challenge which lots of children really enjoy taking part in. Rememer children can take out 12 books and its all free!

The last 2 days we hope to pack with lots of fun things to do, picnic, water play, swimming, theatre, fish and chips and lots more.

Myself and the pre school team would like to wish you all a lovely summer holidays.
Thank you very much for all your lovely gifts,
and to wish all the children well for September and an exciting new year with Mr Gibson in Reception.
Kids Swimming In a Pool

Tuesday 16 July 2013

picnic time

Thank you to everyone who attended the 'brothers and sisters picnic' this afternoon. we were lucky to have fine, sunny weather. I hope every one enjoyed themselves, it's so nice to have the opportunity to sit outside and catch up with each others news.

We are enjoying the last few days of pre school, playing outside with favourite toys and activities.
Always remembering sun hats and cream.

Our favourite book this week has been 'sharing a shell' by Julia Donaldson, some of the children have enjoyed using shells to make pictures and patterns.

Don't forget to return your permission slip if you are on the Library trip on Friday, and reply slip if you are attending the theatre and fish and chip lunch on Tuesday.

THANK YOU so much to all of you who gave myself and the staff such generous gifts today, it is much appreciated.      Amanda

Friday 12 July 2013

fun in the sun

This coming week we hope to continue to enjoy the sunshine remembering hats, sun cream and drinks.
the children have asked for picnic snacks, so we hope to enjoy lots of picnics too.

We have a lovely action rhyme to sing called the sun cream dance by Linda Crowther.
Also we will be continuing with our fruity treats, including lollies and fuit cocktails!

Dont forget to return permission slips and acceptance slips for our various events and
return library bagsTropical Cocktail with Kiwi GarnishAmanda

Following on...

Thank you to all the parents that were able to attend today's session regarding reading and how it all starts off! I hope it was informative and you don't feel too overloaded with information! If you weren’t able to attend then I am happy to print off the presentation that I gave and answer any questions that you might have.

Following on from the session, I have posted two websites below. One that shows the pre-cursive and cursive letter formations. We will be starting to add lead-ins (or slopes) to the pre-cursive writing from September. 
The other website is where you may purchase a whiteboard with the cursive letters on - they are a fabulous resource that we use in the school and will help children come to grips with the skills required for cursive writing. - great website where you can see pre-cursive and cursive letter with lead-ins, easily printed off too! The only one to watch out for is the 'z' - we do not do ours like it is on this website, we do ours - 'z' - like the picture at the top of this post.

Thank you again and I look forward to working with you in September.

Mr. Gibson

Thursday 11 July 2013

Thursday !

Another sunny hot day today. We have all been remembering to wear a hat, put on our sun cream and have lots of drinks.

We made delicious fruit jellies this morning with strawberries and raspberries, and have continued with our design a sun hat competition for the school sun safety competition.

This afternoon we took a healthy picnic up to the school field with lots of cold drinks, and settled down to watch the staff versus children football match, which the staff won about 6-1! We all had a lovely time and agreed to have lots of picnics next week.

Don't forget our parents session tomorrow at 9.00am about reading and writing in reception, we are very lucky that Mr Gibson will be leading the session.

A Couple of Kids Having a Picnic - Royalty Free Clipart Picture


Wednesday 10 July 2013

 We ran a smoothie bar at snack time today, the children enjoyed themselves and the smoothies were delicious, just strawberries, bananas and milk.

Tomorrow we will be making fruit jellies and Friday fruit salad, yum!
All healthy treats made with fruit.

We have also been thinking about sun safety. POWSA are offering some great prizes for a sun safety poster. We have been designing sunhats this week so we will enter those, however if you would like to make a poster at home, entries in by 19th July.


Monday 8 July 2013


We had a super morning this morning, the sun shone, we enjoyed watching the skipathon, and then we had a fabulous time with the performers from the story of Surya.

The music, costumes, instruments and puppets were so good, and we all enjoyed learning some new dance steps. such a good way to keep fit!

our fruity treat for snack today was apple sandwiches, lots of the children enjoyed making their own.
Tomorrow we are making orange juice, fruit ice cubes and lollies, and watching some of sports day.


Sunday 7 July 2013

healthly living week

This week the whole school will be enjoying  healthy living week.
This will include sports days, a whole school skipathon to launch the week, and a long run to end the week.
We at pre school will be focusing on sun safety, sports and healthy treats.
Last Friday the children made a list of fruity treats we could make at pre school, these included fruit salad, lollies, juice and smoothies, and frozen yoghurt and ice cream! as many children as possible will have the opportunity to make some of these treats!

After the skipathon we have a lovely treat which is a performance in the school hall of the Story of Surya, involving music and dancing, watch out for photographs.

Don't forget to try to walk, cycle or scoot to school this week!

Don't forget sunhats and inform us about suncream.

REMEMBER, leavers disco on Tuesday and there are reply slips to return about our various activities before the end of term.


Saturday 6 July 2013

Summer Reading Challenge

Librarians from Dorset County library have challenged all the children to join in the Creepy House Summer Reading journey. Check out Dorchester County library or  for more details.
It would be great if every single child at The Prince of Wales School spent some of their summer holidays enjoying some great books. i look forward to giving out lots of badges and certificates in September!

Thursday 4 July 2013

A Quick Note...

Just a quick note to highlight some miscommunication! 
Parents are more than welcome to come into the reception classroom (from September) when they are dropping their children off between 8.45am- 9.00am. Please feel free to chat to any of us and share in your child's learning.
I apologise for the confusion following the parent information session this afternoon!

Mr. Gibson