Tuesday 25 February 2014

Proud to be me.

Thank you to all of those who have brought in their child's baby picture, the children are enjoying talking about them and looking in the mirror and comparing themselves to what they look like now.
We have been talking about being proud of our achievements and each other.

This week we are also reading the 'shark in the park' book. the children already know the book, so we have been able to use it to recall rhyming words and joining in with repeated refrains. some of the children have been acting out the story and on Tuesday afternoon we made Timothy Pope telescopes.

The WOW'S from the half term holiday's have been super and full of lots of lovely information, I cannot tell you how valuable they are, this also continues into the reception class where they are valued just as much.                                                        Keep the baby pictures coming!


Saturday 15 February 2014

Proud to be me!

We do hope you all have a good half term holiday.
At the library there will be a fun story and craft session on Tuesday 18th February at 10.30-11.30 with the theme of the winter Olympics. all welcome, and on Thursday there will be the official opening of the Library.

When we return our theme for the week is proud to be me, we will be concentrating on ourselves, how we are growing, where we live, our friendships and pride in ourselves as part of our group.

Don't forget a photo of your child as a baby, the children always enjoy looking at each other when they were babies.

Wednesday 12 February 2014


Hello everyone,
The awful weather continues, so our planned topic on shadows has been put off until after half term. However the children have been very interested in our floating and sinking activity using marbles. We have been using the magnifying glasses to look at the patterns in our marbles, and using the marbles to enjoy marble printing.

After half term along with the rest of the school our topic will be 'proud to be me'
We will be looking at ourselves as babies and how we have grown, where we live and friends and family.
Please could the children bring in a picture of themselves as a baby, which we will be sharing with each other and comparing the pictures to what we look like now.
We are also going to be talking about friendships, how proud we are of each other and how we are all friends not just 'best friends'

THANK YOU so much for all the WOW's you have been sending in they are so important in your child's learning journey and help us to see all your child's stages of development.


Thursday 6 February 2014


Hello everyone,
We were very disappointed to have to cancel our trip to the beach, however, we will be re scheduling for after the Easter holiday.
The activities we had planned we have put on hold, as they involved what we were going see, do and collect.
However, the children have been enjoying themselves with other activities, which has given us some ideas for next week. These include magnifying glasses, marble runs and water play.
Some of the children have been really interested in finding out about sea turtles from the internet, so we will continue on with that topic and use some of the children's favourites from this week to plan for next week.

We have one more trip to the library which has been enjoyed by all so far. The children have each chosen books to borrow for our book corner, which we have been sharing with each other.

Monday 3 February 2014

our trip to the beach

Due to the weather there may be every possibility our trip to the beach will not go ahead.
We will be making a decision tomorrow, however if you feel you do NOT want your child to go please let us know, we have made other plans.
If we decide to go and you still want your child to come please remember
warm layers
waterproof coat
wellington boots (2 pairs of socks!)
pocket for shells

If we do not go we hope to reschedule for April/May                                         Amanda

Sunday 2 February 2014

The beach in winter.

Hello everyone,
This week we are going to explore and discover who and what lives at the beach and what kind of things you can find there.
At the same time the children are going to use the computer to find some information about sea turtles and other sea creatures.

We are going to look at seaweed, shells, stones and driftwood, and use them to make patterns and pictures.
We are also going to have fun with our metal detectors, using them in the sand tray with lots of objects you find on the beach, talking about if they are metal, natural objects, plastics etc.

To start the week we have some pictures of sea turtles Harry Norman brought in and some shells and cuttlefish I found when I went with Mr Gibson to have a look at the beach for our project. We will be looking at those with the children and listening to what they have to say about them.
We also have 2 more trips to the library this week, when the children will be looking for books to help us with our project.

(fingers crossed for better weather!)