Sunday 27 April 2014

Vegatables !

This week we are going to continue with our vegetable theme.
We will continue to plant vegetable seeds, and care for our garden.
The children will have the opportunity to try lots of different vegetables this week, for snack and making something to bring home.
We will continue to look at the book 'Oliver's vegetables', trying to recall days of the week, using the story as a prompt.

Last week the children enjoyed paint and drawing activities of vegetables, using sponges and brushes, this week we are going to do some vegetable printing, turning our prints into different pictures using the shapes of the vegetables.

The children are going to have a go at counting and grouping and estimating in mathematics using peppers and peas!

On Thursday it is Thai new year, and Mason's Mummy has kindly offered to come in and cook us some Thai food (yummy!) which will include some of the vegetables we have been looking at and some new ones.
Don't forget to return your slip for the grandparents elevenses, taking place on the 7th May.
If you have had an opportunity to read Oliver's vegetables at home, in the story Oliver spends time with his grandparents, so we look forward to continue that theme at pre school with our elevenses. There are two more books in the series, Oliver's fruit salad and Oliver's milkshake, which we will be looking at in the coming weeks.  Amanda

Monday 21 April 2014

Olivers Vegetables, summer term

Welcome back to you all after the Easter break, which we hope you all enjoyed.
This is a very exciting term as the children enjoy the summer weather and prepare for reception class.

We will be doing lots of planting this week and next, so our book will be Oliver's Vegetable's  by Vivian French. The children will be trying and cooking the vegetables in the book and deciding which vegetables they would like to plant in our garden.

Sun cream.
If you sun cream your child before pre school please let us know when you drop off, of course we will re-cream them through out the day.

Some of the children and parents are finding the superhero games that a number of children are playing a little aggressive and frightening. As staff we will be addressing this problem when we return. Can I therefore ask if the children would not come dressed up in superhero costumes to pre school in future.
We will then be encouraging children to play super hero games in an appropriate way.
