Sunday 18 May 2014

The beach and sharing a shell

Those of us lucky enough to join Reception class at the beach on Wednesday had a lovely time. We couldn't have had better weather.
The children made sandcastles, dug tunnels and dams and collected shells, pebbles and other 'beach things' which we brought back to pre school to use for activities this week.

All the children will be using them in  Mathematics, counting  weighing and  Art we shall be creating collages  and using shells and stones for  small world activities.
We are also going to continue on with our book 'sharing a shell' , talking about friendships and using the book for rhyming activities.

We will be having two stay and play sessions one this week on Thursday 22nd May and one on Wednesday 4th June. The door will open at 8.30am and you can stay and play with your child, there will be many activities to enjoy.
Remember, you can arrive any time from 8.30 but you cannot leave your child until 8.55am.

If the good weather continues please tick the sheet outside the pre school door if you have put suncream on your child.

The children had lots of fun taking part in the bike and scooter ride. certificates are on there way home to all those who took part.
A big thank you to all those who have sent in sponsorship money and to all those who helped or came along to the summer fair, a good time was had by all.

Amanda and pre school team

Sunday 11 May 2014

We were very busy last week, lots of the children were able to take part in the sponsored ride, however because of the weather Thursdays ride was postponed until next Thursday the 15th.please bring your child's vehicle in with their helmet.
 We will not let your child take part without a helmet.

On Tuesday the children will have the  opportunity to visit the Life Education Van, so our activities about healthy vegetables and exercise will help the children to enjoy the visit, thinking about the effects of exercise on their bodies, and the importance of healthy breakfasts.

The children have also particularly enjoyed a maths activity, estimating how many peas in a pod, then counting how many they really have and recording by writing the number, there is a display of their maths writing for you to see.

We are also making a poster of our favourite breakfasts, we will then turn our answers into a graph, look out for that.

Wednesday sees the start of our topic about the beach and rock pools. One of the stories we will be reading is 'sharing a shell' by Julia Donaldson. This is a lovely story about friendship, if you are not familiar with it look out for it, we always enjoy the story at pre school.

Have a go estimating how many at home with your child its great fun!


Wednesday 7 May 2014

Thank You !

A big thank you to all our grandparents who came to our 'Grandparents elevenses' this morning.
We all agreed it was a lovely morning and the children really enjoyed showing their grandparents round. All the children were involved, and as usual the grandparents were brilliant at  including those children whose grandparents couldn't make it.

We have put some photographs on display, and some of the children have enjoyed writing words to go with the display.

Monday 5 May 2014

thinking about being healthy!

A busy but short week this week.
Our theme for the week is our sponsored bike ride. So to go along with this we will be riding bikes, playing on obstacle courses and going for walks within the school grounds.
We will also be continuing with our healthy food theme, preparing healthy snacks and sandwiches.

On Wednesday we look forward to welcoming our grandparents to join us for elevenses, If you haven't returned the slip and your child's grandparents are planning to come, please let us know, its not too late.

A big thank you to Mason's Mummy who came in last Thursday and cooked us some delicious Thai food to celebrate Thai new year, it was lovely, and healthy too!

Thank you to Oliver's parents who have donated lots of lovely sport relief equipment, which we will be using, especially in July when we join in the schools 'healthy me' week, and of course the world cup which will be with us soon !

Pre school team