Thursday 17 July 2014


A very big thank you to all our very generous parents for all our lovely gifts.
The Carluccios vouchers were a most unexpected gift and a lovely surprise, which we will all enjoy very much.
 Thank you all for being so kind, we have had a super year and hope the children have enjoyed exploring and learning with us as much as we have enjoyed being with them.
Thank you once again from all the pre school team.

Wednesday 16 July 2014


The summer reading challenge at the library runs from 5th July until 6th September.

There is a challenge for early years, so your child will be able to take part.
Just visit the library fill in a registration card and collect your Mythical Maze book mark.
Your child then borrows and reads or listens to books and gets a poster and stickers when the books are returned.
Every time you go to the  library your child will get more stickers on their challenge poster.
When you have completed the challenge your child will receive a medal and a certificate will be presented in school assembly in October.

The children really love taking part in this challenge, its fun, its free and its good for you,
so get involved in the summer holidays.
There are also other free activities at the library including a Myths and Legends dance workshop on 28th July, creative family art workshops.

So take part in the Mythical Maze summer reading challenge and enjoy.   Amanda

Thursday 10 July 2014


please note the dates for next week on the last blog are now correct

the last week

The children have absolutely loved our activities this past week. We took our inspiration from a poster of the Tour de France and a visit to sports day on Monday morning.
The children had lots of ideas of sports and activities they would like to do from bike rides, to football, basketball and hockey. So we have been doing these all week and more.
We had some yummy snacks as well. lots had a go at squeezing oranges, then we loved the fresh juice to drink.
We went to watch the staff versus school netball and football matches on Wednesday afternoon, we made a lovely picnic to take with the children making egg sandwiches.

So.. as I mentioned in the last blog our last them is Captain Flynn and the dinosaur books. The children asked for pirates and dinosaurs as two of the things they would like to play with, so we decided on the books as they are so popular.

Lots to remember next week, and things to take home.
please return book bags
barbeque 16th
fish and chip lunch 17th
theatre 18th

Amanda and pre schoolteam

Tuesday 8 July 2014


WOW!  The Tuesday morning children were so lucky today to join the rest of the school for an hour of bugs, some of them were very big,... spiders, millipedes, scorpions, some of them were very long, snakes, and some of them were deadly ! one of the members of staff found the spider a bit difficult! however the children were brilliant even though the music was quite loud and they were sitting at the front. well done pre school! Earlier in the morning at story time we talked about important things to remember in Reception class and we decided one of the most important things is good listening, and they did that.

We continue with healthy week enjoying lots of outside games and healthy foods and drinks, so far the fresh orange juice the children squeezed themselves was very popular, as was the strawberry milkshake today. We have also been talking about sun safety.
lots more to come.

Thank you for all your replies  to the barbeque on the 16th its not to late for a late acceptance.
Don't forget our fish and chip lunch on the 17th Mr Gibson is looking forward to joining us.
Theatre visit on Friday 18th. as you have probably seen the plans have changed slightly, do reply if your child is coming, the theme is pirates, so come dressed up as a pirate or princess.

The books next week will be the Capt Flynn and the pirate dinosaurs books. Amanda

Thursday 3 July 2014

healthy me week

Hello everyone,
We have been really enjoying the sunshine this week, the children are loving our new water activity centre, we have had lots of great thinking about how we can us it, how water travels and what happens if I......
The superhero and fairies have been so popular, with lots of dressing up and imaginative games, using all our junk modelling resources to make lots of interesting models etc. Erin our student has been making some lovely sparkly hats and masks as well with the children.

The swop day went really well Wednesday, thank you for your patience, the children enjoyed the change and a picnic at snack time, and it really helps the younger children. next one 10th July.

The coming week we join the school for a healthy me week.
The activities will include, football, bat and ball games, obstacle courses and dancing.
We are going to talk about being safe in the sun,  the children will be able to make pictures and posters about how we can look after ourselves in the sun.

Of course we will be thinking about food, and will be making smoothies, fresh juice, and milkshakes. Potato wedges and dips for snack, healthy sandwiches and much more. everyone will be able to have a go at a number of these food activities, they will be for snack and won't be coming home.
 However we would love to hear what you favourite healthy foods are in your family, fruit or vegetables? salads or pasta, juice or smoothies, do let us know on a wow or even a piece of paper.

All these activities are important to your child's physical development, moving and handling and health and self care.

We will be watching some of the sports days, and the school skipathon on Friday.

Don't forget your slips for the barbeque, fish and chip lunch.

pre school team

Tuesday 1 July 2014


Don't forget we are swopping classrooms with nursery tomorrow for the whole morning so please arrive at the nursery door. pick up at 12 noon from nursery, pick up at all other times from pre school.

Also please remember if you have organised for someone else to pick up your child you must hand in a signed permission  slip, unless this is regular and you have filled in a form.

The reception and pre school teams are sorry but the barbeque is only for reception and preschool children. cold drinks will be available for parents and older siblings.

pre school team

20th Birthday Party POWSA Message

Your Country Fair needs YOU!!!

I hope you are all looking forward to this weekend.  Planning is well underway, and we here at party HQ are all ready.  There is still time to prebook your tickets and food, so dig out that booking form, fill it out and hand it in to the school office.We are still looking for volunteers to help on the day, so please consider signing up for just one hour.  If we all do a little bit we all get to enjoy the party with our friends and families as well as helping out our fantastic school.  The sign up sheet is in the staff  room, so if you wish to volunteer please ask at the school office.Fingers crossed for lovely weather!  See you on Saturday.Kate and the POWSA team