Monday 5 June 2017

Saturday 10th June - Summer fayre

The Prince of Wales Summer Fayre is this Saturday 10th June 11-2pm! Do please come along, bring family and friends.

A football tournament, activities and games for children, BBQ, bouncy castle, skittles, prizes to be won! The event is solely to raise funds for our school and Pre-School. Finally, if you do feel you could help man a stall then do please sign up in the foyer of the main school or over at Pre-school. More helpers mean that everyone can enjoy the event.

Friday 9th June – This day is a ‘non School uniform’ day – Please bring in chocolates and wine to donate towards the fayre tombola’s please. We do also need cakes for the cafĂ© and teddies too!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Mrs Mewett, Julia Nineham and the POWSA committee