Thursday 4 February 2021

An arty challenge - 4th February 2021

  Hopefully you have all received your latest lockdown goody pack today!  You will find included some tissue paper and some black card to help you join in with this week's challenge. 

#InspiredToLearn - Lockdown 2 - Week 5 Challenge

We have been asked by Window Wanderland to take part in a Dorchester Wide community event!  

Window Wanderland is coming to Dorchester on 19th-21st February, 6-9pm.

This event asks people to decorate a window at home as part of a window trail around our local community.

Window Wanderland’s aim is to bring the whole community together to create a magical outdoor gallery of hope and solidarity, at this difficult time.


They are asking everybody, from individuals to businesses, to register and create a window display on the theme, 


'A Brighter Future.'


All are invited to view the wonderful windows and Dorchester's community spirit on a safe, Covid-friendly evening walk.

It would be great if you would consider signing up and creating a window even if you don’t live in the local community or want to take part in the actual event.


If you do want to be part of the trail, registration is quick and simple at:


If you have enjoyed getting Arty with your own windows and fancy an extra challenge how about making a Jiggly Jelly Fish to hang in a shop window?

Then you need #InspiredToLearn EXTRA ARTY CHALLENGE!

We have been approached by Store6 in Poundbury to help us decorate their windows with your models of Jellyfish made from recycled materials.  If you fancy joining in and seeing your design in a shop window during the window wanderland event, please bring your completed jellyfish to school by next Friday 12th February and place it in the box inside the front entrance.  Please add your name and a hanging thread to your design so that it can be hung up for all to see!

Don't forget to look out for your design if you take part in the Window Wanderland Event between the 19th and 21st of February.