Monday, 15 October 2012

week of 15th October

This week we will continue to learn and explore all about Autumn, it's colours and the weather.
We will be threading, making a collage, using clay and waiting for a windy day to play with ballons.

Communication and language:-

Listening to 'I see fall' by Charles Jatkowska, this is a lovely American book, great for colours and rhyming. Look for the book on our pre-school link under literacy.
Thinking about words and sounds to descibe the autumn weather.

Physical Development:-
An Autumn walk, threading leaves.
PSED thinking about kind hands

@Home LOOK!!!!!

If you go out picking blackberries this weekend, why not bring some in to share with us.
Don't forget to go to the school book sale, scholastic books are very good, and the pre-school and school earn commission.

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