Monday, 21 January 2013

Last week we all worked together to create the pictures to go with our poem 'snow counting'. If you have time at pick up or drop off do look around the room with your child and see if you can find the numbers and lines in the poem.
This week is writing week at school. We will be joining reception on Monday for some exciting activities!
We have our library trip to look forward to, we will take lots of opportunities to look at different books and we will be recording our trip to the library , modeling writing for the children and encouraging them to have a go at writing names and using pencils.

Communication and language

Don't forget to bring a picture of the weather in from home e.g. From a newspaper.


What have you been enjoying doing in the snow with your family?

1 comment:

  1. My daughter has been enjoying making different snow creatures with her big sisters - including a snow dinosaur!

    She really enjoyed going over to the Reception class, but she said 'they didn't know that I can do writing all by myself - you'll have to tell them mummy!'
