Sunday, 12 May 2013

things that start with p !

Due to staff illness our theme for last week, 'pizzas!' didn't really get going, but we had a lovely time on Tuesday with our grandparents and have been drawing pictures and writing words about that.

However on Friday the children helped me make a shopping list of all the ingredients I needed to buy so we can make pizzas this coming week
 We are going to be talking about healthy foods and choices, making pictures and a graph of our pizza topping choices.
The children will be rolling dough, chopping, spreading and grating, I hope you enjoy the finished results!

We are also going to have a go at thinking of all the things we use to play and learn with that starts with p and make a list, adding as the week goes on, lets see how many things we can get to.

In your pigeon hole will be a sticky label, write down your favourite pizza topping, lets see how many replies we can get!



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