Wednesday, 18 September 2013


Dear Parents,
If you have time this week do stop and look at the wonderful sunflower paintings the children have been doing, we have lots of budding artists I think!!

Library books will start to come home this week and next, don't forget your child may bring the book back as often as they like to change it.
They may choose the same book several times, that's fine.
You will be shown where to hang the book bag.

Look out for WOW circles, we would love to know what the children have been enjoying and achieving.

If you did not attend the parent info session at the end of term, please give your name and mornings you cannot do to Caroline as I am arranging another one.

If you have sunflowers at home can you measure how tall they are? Would you like to donate any sunflowers for our harvest festival on the 4th October?


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