Sunday, 6 October 2013

it must be Autumn

This week we will be reading a poem to the children called it must be Autumn,
I have chosen this poem because there are some lovely sounds and rhymes in it, which I am sure the children will enjoy saying and playing with. We will be sending a copy of the poem home for you to enjoy with the family. (CL speaking)

We will also take some of the lines in the poem to create some art work, and enjoy some number activities.

This week the children will also be harvesting the carrots we planted last term, and using them to make something tasty and to eat for snack. (UW, PD)

We have lots of number activities planned counting into groups and recognising numerals, if your child recognises numerals in the home or when you are out and about, why not let us know on a wow.
( MD numbers)
The children will also be continuing to explore sizes with activities in  water play and with pulses and different sizes of spoons.

We are collecting conkers for a number activity, if you find some when you are out and about why not bring them in.


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