Sunday, 24 November 2013

sensory bus

We have a very exciting week ahead of us this coming week. We have booked a sensory bus for the week, which will stay at pre school, so that we can do lots of exploring and discovering, taking  part in lots of sensory activities.
This will be from Tuesday until 3rd December so all the children will be able to have lots of exploration time.
 We will be planning our activities for the week from how we see the children using the bus, giving them more opportunities to be involved in their planning. (CL, UW, EAD)

On Monday we are going to spend some time in our nature area thinking about how we can look after birds and wildlife this winter, we will put lots of pictures, drawings and work in our nature diary.(UW)

We continue to explore sounds this week by singing songs with actions, and sounds, do ask your child if they can remember the words to 'a slinky snake' (CL, L)

We will also be discovering lots of different ways of counting for example by clapping, jumping, tapping, can you think of a different way to count? (MD) Amanda

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