Friday 23 September 2011

26th-30th September 2011

This week at school and pre-school we are celebrating Harvets Festival. On Monday we will be apple picking in the orchard. The children will be cooking courgette muffins and flapjacks to take to harvest festival on Friday and we will put together some produce baskets to take as well. We will be talking about vegetables and harvest all week, and trying lots of different breads and thinking about what they are made from. We will also be looking at oats and making porridge.
Our books (CLL) will be Olivers Vegetables, Goldilocks and Harvest and Farm books.

Our PSRN will be counting using pictures of allotments and food and farm games.

At home:- You may like to talk about vegetables and where they come from. Along with Harvest.

CLL- Communication language and literacy
PSRN- Problem solving reasoning and numeracy.

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