Tuesday 22 November 2011

Week of 21st November

This week see us join the school to start our Olympic 2012 celebrations. We will be talking about the Olympics, and introducing the Olympic values of friendship, respect and excellence. These values will form a thread through the rest of the year. The Dorset Area Schools Partnership (DASP) have their own torch which will be passed from school to school up until 2012 Olympics. It is our school turn next week and to celebrate each class in the school is making an Olympic banner, We will be making ours next week, do look out for it!

PSRN:- SHAPES-using the Olympic circles we will be playing and making lots of different things with shapes, indoors and outdoors. Also making a graph from our snacktime using shapes e.g. how many of our snacks are square, triangles etc.

CLL:- Books about friends, the children will choose their favourite, look out for what it is on the blog.

@Home:- Answer our midweek blog question.

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