Wednesday 28 December 2011

Did you have a good Christmas?

Thank-you to everyone who engaged in our first ever Santa discussion on SWGfL Merlin, despite being very busy Father Christmas managed to reply to every child who wrote, sketched or filmed a message to him in the run up to Christmas. He would now like to know if you had a good Christmas? Father Christmas' new discussion on SWGfL Merlin reads: 'Ho Ho Ho! It has been a busy time but I am back safe in the North pole and the Elves have already started preparing for next Christmas. Did you have a good Christmas? Why not use this discussion board to tell others what I bought you in my sleigh and what you did over the Christmas holiday. Did you visit family? Did you play games? Did anyone see snow? I look forward to reading your replies!' Login to SWGfL Merlin now to join in. #

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Prince of Wales School Calendar for 2012

The Prince of Wales School Calendars for 2012 have now arrived! Come and collect the calendars that you have pre-ordered at the School performances (in the main hall) or after school by the Office.  If you haven't managed to order one and you would like one, please come and speak to us as soon as possible.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Christmas Puddings - last chance!

Do you need a tasty pudding for Christmas? Hold off on that supermarket shop..... POWSA will be selling super tasty Plum puddings and Chocolate puddings from the 'Ulitmate Plum Pudding Company'. All proceeds will go directly to The Prince of Wales School. Buy them at the Christmas Performances on Tuesday 13th, Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th December 2011 in the main school hall.

POWSA Christmas Fair 2011

A big thank you to everyone that attended (and especially those that helped at)
the school fair. We had a great time and managed to raise a fantastic £721.55!

Friday 9 December 2011

Week of 12th December

A busy week before the Christmas break! This week we will be going to school on Monday morning to watch the Christmas performance, Tuesday is our family breakfast, on Wednesday lots of us will be having a school Christmas lunch, and then we will finish the week with our party on Friday morning. Those of us in Friday afternoon will be joiningthe whole school in the school hall to sing Christmas songs and carols. In between we will be making decorations, cards and lots more! Merry Christmas !!!!

PSRN:- games, songs, advent calander. A role play Christmas shop.

CLL:- Christmas stories, writing cards.

@home:- think about the Christmas nativity story. Sing some of our Christmas, including when Santa got stuck up the chimney and Rudolph the red nose reindeer.
If you go to a pantomime or Christmas play over the holidays please bring in a programme, photo, picture.

Please take a look at our garden centre pictures.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Song for Dorchester

As a school, we are keen to support the 'Song for Dorchester' project currently being run by the Mayor of Dorchester. One plan to do this is to send a tag cloud to the mayor with our thoughts in and we would love you to help us with this. To add to the tag cloud, simply click the 'Song for Dorchester - Contribute Now' button at the top of school website homepage. This should take you to a form where you can give us your one word that describes Dorchester. The more popular a word is, the bigger it will appear in the tag cloud. Before sending the tag cloud to the mayor, I will share this with you all through our whole school blog. Thank-you for your help in advance. Mr. Spracklen

Monday 5 December 2011

5th December-16th December 2011

This will cover the next two weeks at pre-school, although we will keep you up to date with what we are doing. We will be thinking, learning and discovering all things Christmas for the next two weeks!!!!
We will be making cards, decorations, cooking, singing, completing ICT tasks, playing games and importantly learning about the Nativity.
We will be taking part in the school Christmas Play in a 'virtual way!' and inviting you all in to join us for a Christmas breakfast on December.

PSRN:- Make a Christmas number line, lots of games and puzzles.

CLL:- Reflect on our visit to the garden centre. Enjoy the nativity story. Enjoy Christmas books.

@Home Think about the Christmas nativity story. Ask your child to sing the bossy King song.

Sunday 4 December 2011

“Ho Ho Ho!” - Father Christmas is now on SWGfL Merlin

Pupils can now join a discussion started by Father Christmas using SWGfL Merlin. To access the special Father Christmas page, log in to SWGfL Merlin and click the ‘Father Christmas comes to Merlin’ title. On this page you will find a Christmas countdown, Christmas games and even a ‘Santa Tracker’. At the very bottom of the page you will see  a ‘Father Christmas’ discussion board’. He has already posted his first question asking you: “What you are doing to prepare for Christmas? Have you put up your Christmas tree yet? Have you started your Christmas shopping? Have you written me a letter telling me what you want for Christmas?”. Log in now to join the discussion.

Friday 2 December 2011


Just a short reminder to say that the POWSA Christmas Fair is tonight (Friday 2nd December, 2011). The Christmas Fair will take place in the school hall from 3.30pm until 6.00pm. Teas and cakes will be available from the pre-school stall from 3.00pm onwards. We hope to see you all their supporting POWSA (The Prince of Wales School Association) and their fundraising for the school. Mr. Spracklen