Monday 5 December 2011

5th December-16th December 2011

This will cover the next two weeks at pre-school, although we will keep you up to date with what we are doing. We will be thinking, learning and discovering all things Christmas for the next two weeks!!!!
We will be making cards, decorations, cooking, singing, completing ICT tasks, playing games and importantly learning about the Nativity.
We will be taking part in the school Christmas Play in a 'virtual way!' and inviting you all in to join us for a Christmas breakfast on December.

PSRN:- Make a Christmas number line, lots of games and puzzles.

CLL:- Reflect on our visit to the garden centre. Enjoy the nativity story. Enjoy Christmas books.

@Home Think about the Christmas nativity story. Ask your child to sing the bossy King song.


  1. Loving the Bossy King song - We even get duets with Oliver :)

  2. Yes us too ! Especially the last line which has to be shouted as loud as possible !
