Sunday 27 January 2013

Week of 28th January 2013

We all had a great time on our library trip this week, the children chose some good books to borrow, and we have them in the book corner if you have time to look.

If not we are recording the trip in our learning journeys so you will be able to read all about it.
We also enjoyed our day with reception on Monday, writing a pirate story, which fits in very well for us as on Tuesday we have the theatre coming to visit and he will be doing 'pirates ahoy' with the children.
So after the visit we will be listening to the children, finding out what they enjoyed about the visit and planning our activities from their ideas.

Communication and language:-

Enjoying pirate stories
Words and sounds that pirates use, books and poems about pirates

Personal social and emotional development:-

Going for goals, I can.... Finish something I have started.


Talk about the library, if you haven't been the ladies at the library would love you to join, don't forget books are free.
On pupil links under pre-school parent is a link to Dorchester library which gives you information on opening times etc.

Monday 21 January 2013

Last week we all worked together to create the pictures to go with our poem 'snow counting'. If you have time at pick up or drop off do look around the room with your child and see if you can find the numbers and lines in the poem.
This week is writing week at school. We will be joining reception on Monday for some exciting activities!
We have our library trip to look forward to, we will take lots of opportunities to look at different books and we will be recording our trip to the library , modeling writing for the children and encouraging them to have a go at writing names and using pencils.

Communication and language

Don't forget to bring a picture of the weather in from home e.g. From a newspaper.


What have you been enjoying doing in the snow with your family?

Thursday 17 January 2013

Closure Friday 18th January

The Pre School will be closed today due to the snow.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Dear parents,
Apologies for no blog last week,the whole school has been experiencing some difficulties with publishing blogs.
Last week we were talking and learning about the weather. What kind of weather we are having, making a weather chart, what words we can use to describe the weather and the different colours the weather brings.
With musical instruments we been making different weather sounds eg thunder, rain, wind ice and snow.
We will be continuing this topic this coming week, making snowflakes and snow pictures,  listening to snowy stories and number poems about the snow.
We having been counting and clapping at the same time ,so that our voice and clap go together try it at home. We are also recognising written numerals past 10, and up to 20.
This half term we are....going for goals, so the coming weeks we will be trying to finish what we start.
HOME can you find a weather picture to bring in?