Sunday 27 January 2013

Week of 28th January 2013

We all had a great time on our library trip this week, the children chose some good books to borrow, and we have them in the book corner if you have time to look.

If not we are recording the trip in our learning journeys so you will be able to read all about it.
We also enjoyed our day with reception on Monday, writing a pirate story, which fits in very well for us as on Tuesday we have the theatre coming to visit and he will be doing 'pirates ahoy' with the children.
So after the visit we will be listening to the children, finding out what they enjoyed about the visit and planning our activities from their ideas.

Communication and language:-

Enjoying pirate stories
Words and sounds that pirates use, books and poems about pirates

Personal social and emotional development:-

Going for goals, I can.... Finish something I have started.


Talk about the library, if you haven't been the ladies at the library would love you to join, don't forget books are free.
On pupil links under pre-school parent is a link to Dorchester library which gives you information on opening times etc.

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