Tuesday 26 February 2013


Dear Parents,
we had a good day today, this morning (after the fire drill!) we were visited by a gerbil, the children enjoyed watching him running in and out tubes and round wheels.
we have some more pets visiting this week, so watch this space!!
please bring in a photo of your pet if you have one, or pets belonging to grandparents, Aunts, Uncles etc.

Sunday 24 February 2013

The Great Pet Sale by Mick Inkpen

Dear Parents,
Welcome back to a busy half term, we will be celebrating Mother's Day and Easter, taking part in comic relief, and we also have a trip to the garden centre planned, ahead of lots of gardening activities.
Lots of the children have been talking about their pets, so we have combined this with their interest in animals and our love of the books, 'The Great Pet Sale' and 'Kippers Toy Box' by Mick Inkpen. So this will be our theme for the next two weeks. These books also provide lots of opportunities to count and explore number.
If you have a pet you would like to bring in to show please let us know. We already have a dog visit planned, if your pet is unsure of big crowds of little people, why not bring in a photo instead.

Thursday 14 February 2013


we continue to enjoy the one world, one country theme this week, yesterday some of us made italian banana bread using our fair trade bananas. T
The books Handas suprise, Charlie and Lola, 'but i do know all about chocolate' and 'One child, one seed' have helped us to begin to understand about our similarities and differences.
Avrils family have been celebrating chinese new year, so tomorrow we have a lovely poem about a dragon to look at.

our thought are also turning to next half term, when some of the children are very keen to talk about pets, so if you have a rabbit, guinea pig, or something similar you would like to bring in please let us know, so we can arrange a time

Tuesday 12 February 2013


Dear Parents,
today we enjoyed pancakes for snack, we chose our fillings and some of us had 2!!
we read the story of Mr Wolves pancakes and we have been doing some amazing writing about our favourite fillings.
 Dont forget to fill in your blog star so we can put your answer on our world map.

Friday 8 February 2013

Global awareness week

Dear parents,
We join the school this week with the theme of global awareness.
We will be looking at books that celebrate our similarities and differences, painting pictures of ourselves and each other,and looking at maps and globes to start to understand where we live and where we and our food comes from.
Our book will be Charlie and Lola, fair trade chocolate book which explains fair trade to children very well. We will be using fair trade ingredients for snack and pancake day, and cooking activities throughout the week.

HOME:blog question... What do you like for breakfast (include tea, coffee, juice and fruit) we will be plotting your answers on our map of the world

HOME: can you find anything to bring in with the fair trade logo on?

Our areas of learning this week include understanding the world, communication and literacy and we will be exploring mathematics in our role play cafe which we will be putting together on Monday.

The children have been thinking about what they would like to play with and their ideas and thoughts are on the board opposite the coat pegs.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

midweek update

Dear Parents,
we are having a lovely week with our pirate theme. we have made telescopes, and ships biscuits which we enjoyed for snack.
our learning has been in expressive arts and design,( role play and media and materials), and communication and language,( speaking).
parent consultations begin 25th Feb, please sign in a time slot.

Monday 4 February 2013

Week of 4th Febuary 2012

I think everyone enjoyed the visit of the Treehouse theatre this week. The theme of the visit was pirates ahoy!, and since then we have been making pirate ships, treasure maps, drawing and painting and taking part in lots of lovely and lively role play, some of the children  are using lots of pirate language such as 'shiver me timbers' and 'x marks the spot'.

This week we will be continuing with the pirate theme as the children are enjoying it and all are invovled with the theme.
we will be finishing off our ships, making telescopes and much more.

Next week we will also be starting this years gardening, by planting seeds to go in the polytunnel, and making food for the birds.

Communication and Language:-

Enjoying the pirate stories
Words and sounds that pirates use, books and poems about pirates.

Personal social and emotional development:-

Going for goals I can... Finsih something I have started.


Sing a pirate song, think of a pirate saying, what can the children think of?