Friday 8 February 2013

Global awareness week

Dear parents,
We join the school this week with the theme of global awareness.
We will be looking at books that celebrate our similarities and differences, painting pictures of ourselves and each other,and looking at maps and globes to start to understand where we live and where we and our food comes from.
Our book will be Charlie and Lola, fair trade chocolate book which explains fair trade to children very well. We will be using fair trade ingredients for snack and pancake day, and cooking activities throughout the week.

HOME:blog question... What do you like for breakfast (include tea, coffee, juice and fruit) we will be plotting your answers on our map of the world

HOME: can you find anything to bring in with the fair trade logo on?

Our areas of learning this week include understanding the world, communication and literacy and we will be exploring mathematics in our role play cafe which we will be putting together on Monday.

The children have been thinking about what they would like to play with and their ideas and thoughts are on the board opposite the coat pegs.

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