Sunday 28 April 2013

a busy week!

Dear Parents,
This week will be a very busy, fun, interesting week for the children.
We start the week with a visit to the life education van, this is always enjoyable and helps the children to understand the importance of staying fit, clean and healthy.

On Tuesday we are visiting Maiden Castle Farm. The children are looking forward to the trip, and on Friday we made a list of all the animals we are hoping to see, the children also hoped to finish the visit with a picnic snack! so last Friday we made biscuits as part of the picnic.

Our activities for the rest of the week will be planned after our visit to the farm, and he children have talked about what they have enjoyed.
please bring wellies or appropriate, footwear for the visit.

if you are not coming on the farm visit dont worry we have another outing planned for June.

A very BIG thank you to the fundraising committee, for organising such a lovely garden party last Thursday, so many people who have not been to a pre school or school event before told me how much they enjoyed it and what a lovely atmosphere there is. Also thank you to Jude Allen who secured us the grant to create our outside space .

Amanda Godfrey 

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Dear Parents,
We have had a lovely day today, most of which was spent outside, so  don't forget to sign your suncream form because children will NOT be allowed outside without suncream on or a hat.Therefore please remember to send your child in with a hat as well.

As part or our garden theme today some of the children have made a new pond which is in the wild life area, come along to the garden party on Thursday afternoon and find out more!

Do not  forget to return your permission slip for the farm trip next week.

Check your childs changing bag hanging in the toilets and change the clothes for summery things.

tjere are lots of lovely painted watering cans around the classroom, how many can you see, do tell a member of staff, lets see who can see the most by Friday.

Amanda.Sun symbol illustration Stock Photo - 12486974

Sunday 21 April 2013


Dear Parents,
We will be continuing with our garden theme this week, planting more seeds and looking for bugs and insects.
The children  have already planted blackcurrant bushes, violas and potatos.
We will be making a 'whats at the botom of the garden? display, which some of the children have been talking about and made pictures about on Friday.

Our books poems and stories will have a growing and garden theme, we will particularly be enjoying the story of Olivers vegatables.

The children will be using their IT skills to make a flower picture on the whiteboard, naming the different parts of the flower as well.

We have some nice playdough mats with pictures of flowers and vegatables on them and the children will have to use playdough to complete the picture eg, add peas to the pea pod or petals to a stalk. this will help them with their understanding of the natural world,and develop physical and maths skills.


Tuesday 16 April 2013

Dear parents,
what a difference some sun and slightly warmer weather make! we have all been enjoying the outdoor space today,getting ready to start planting and deciding how to use our new wildlife area, some of the children this afternoon enjoying finding worms and wood lice.
We have been thinking about words to describe gardens and gardening, we have been thinking about what sound the words begin with and how the words sound, can you think of a gardening word look at our list and see if you can add to it,

i am sorry we have had to change the date of our farm visit, i do hope it doesn't inconvienience anyone.

we have been sequencing pictures of planting seeds, watering and different sizes of growing, cutting the pictures out and maaking our own time line, we have also been decorating watering can pictures to make a number line past 20, se what number we can go up to.

DONT FORGET, if you have any spare plants or seedlings we can give them a good home

                              try and come to our garden party thursday 25th April

                              fill in a circle to tell us about something new your child can do or has
                              tried or achieved, we will be putting them on the wall as they do in


Sunday 14 April 2013

Dear Parents,
Welcome back to the start of the summer term, lets hope it lives up to its name and gives us lots opportunities to enjoy our new outside spaces.

This week we are planning our outside space with the children, asking what they would like to play, explore and enjoy outside.
 We have divided the outside into different areas, natural space, growing space, active space, creative space, social space and reflective space. We will be explaining these areas to the children and explaining the different ways they can play and explore in them, incorporating their ideas.
We  also plan to start gardening in our growing space giving all the children the opportunity to take part in planting seeds and plants.

our books will include Olivers vegatables and one tiny seed.
Dont forget to return your slip if your child is taking part in the trip to the farm on the 23rd April.

do you have any spare vegatable
plants in your greenhouse? if so we would love them, thank you.