Sunday 28 April 2013

a busy week!

Dear Parents,
This week will be a very busy, fun, interesting week for the children.
We start the week with a visit to the life education van, this is always enjoyable and helps the children to understand the importance of staying fit, clean and healthy.

On Tuesday we are visiting Maiden Castle Farm. The children are looking forward to the trip, and on Friday we made a list of all the animals we are hoping to see, the children also hoped to finish the visit with a picnic snack! so last Friday we made biscuits as part of the picnic.

Our activities for the rest of the week will be planned after our visit to the farm, and he children have talked about what they have enjoyed.
please bring wellies or appropriate, footwear for the visit.

if you are not coming on the farm visit dont worry we have another outing planned for June.

A very BIG thank you to the fundraising committee, for organising such a lovely garden party last Thursday, so many people who have not been to a pre school or school event before told me how much they enjoyed it and what a lovely atmosphere there is. Also thank you to Jude Allen who secured us the grant to create our outside space .

Amanda Godfrey 

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