Saturday 21 September 2013

Harvest Festiv

On the 4th October we will be taking part in the schools harvest festival, so this week we will start preparing our art work for the harvest display that you will be able to see in the school hall on 4th Oct.

So this  week we will start learning and exploring about the Harvest and harvest festivals (UW)

Also this week we are starting to explore size, and the language of size, so at home why not ask the questions which is the biggest? which is the smallest? and introduce medium if you see more than 2 objects. the children will have lots of opportunities to explore size by playing board games, threading, sorting and singing songs. (MD shape, space and measure)

We will also continue with our counting activities playing outside number games and enjoying a water activity, (MD numbers)

Our art activities and number activities will also be about increasing control with tools and equipment(PD moving and handling).

We have two lovely books for the children to enjoy in the next two weeks, 'step into Fall' and 'skip through the seasons' these books are both rhyming books which the children enjoy. (L reading)

Wednesday 18 September 2013


Dear Parents,
If you have time this week do stop and look at the wonderful sunflower paintings the children have been doing, we have lots of budding artists I think!!

Library books will start to come home this week and next, don't forget your child may bring the book back as often as they like to change it.
They may choose the same book several times, that's fine.
You will be shown where to hang the book bag.

Look out for WOW circles, we would love to know what the children have been enjoying and achieving.

If you did not attend the parent info session at the end of term, please give your name and mornings you cannot do to Caroline as I am arranging another one.

If you have sunflowers at home can you measure how tall they are? Would you like to donate any sunflowers for our harvest festival on the 4th October?


Tuesday 17 September 2013

Fundraising Meeting

Fundraising Committee Meeting
Tuesday 24th September 7:30pm at the Poet Laureate, Poundbury.

It was great to see so many new faces at the AGM last week. The
pressure is off now as all the officer posts are filled so why not join
us for a quick drink (alcohol optional), good company and a chance to
contribute to the fantastic education of our children at the Pre-school?

The meetings are relaxed and informal with a chance to make good
friends. All support and ideas are appreciated. If you are unsure then
please call me for a chat.

Hope to see you there.

Julie Lane

Telephone 261057 or 07754380293

Sunday 15 September 2013


Dear Parents,
The children have been looking at the sunflowers in our play area and telling us about the sunflowers they have grown at home. So this week we have decided to base some of our activities around sunflowers.
We will look at some sunflower paintings and then give the children opportunities to paint sunflower pictures, collage, and for those that did not do a threading last week we will be making sunflowers as a threading activity, all of these activities cover many of our stages of development, particularly physical development (handling tools).

We will be continuing on with games and activities to continue learning and exploring counting and recognising numerals ( mathematical development).

We are also going to use the sunflowers outside to talk about height and measuring.

The children will also have the opportunity to try sunflower seeds at snack time, let us know if your child cannot eat them.


Thursday 12 September 2013

changing bags

dear Parents your child will be bringing home an empty changing bag. please put a change of clothes in it to be kept at pre school. when we change your child because of wet play, accidents etc we will send the bag home and then you can return it with dry clothes in.

magic moment books and library books will be coming home next week.

We are continuing to have a lovely time at pre school, all the children have been enjoying the light house keepers stories and taking part in a variety of learning and exploring activities.

thank you for being so patient about the coat pegs, the new ones have arrived so we hope to have them fitted next week.


Sunday 8 September 2013


We have had an amazing start to the new term, all the children have settled in so well and are enjoying themselves.

This week we are going to read the Light housekeeper stories. We will be using elements of the stories to cover different parts of the childrens stages of development.

The children will be threading lighthouse shapes (PD)
Making lighthouses with construction materials and counting how many bricks they needed (MD)

There will be role play activities and sandwich making, painting and lots more, watch out for more blogs this week to see what else we have been enjoying.

Have you visited a lighthouse or can you find a picture of a lighthouse to bring in?

If you have not returned your suncream permission slip could you do so just in case we have some more sunny days!



Wednesday 4 September 2013

Dear Parents,
welcome back to the new school year!
we do hope your child enjoys this year with us, we have lots of exciting activities and opportunities planned for the children in this coming school year.

we are going to start the first three days with games and activities that the children are familiar with to help them settle back into pre school, and become familiar with any new faces and routines.

we will be talking about what the children did in the summer holidays, recording their story in their learning journeys and illustrating them.

we will be choosing  favourite  books to read, doing some lovely paint activities, and a delicious fruit and ice cream activity which will include physical and mathematical areas of development.

As you have seen we have had some major alterations to the building in the holidays, if you can bear with us new coat hooks will be up as soon as possible.
