Sunday 15 September 2013


Dear Parents,
The children have been looking at the sunflowers in our play area and telling us about the sunflowers they have grown at home. So this week we have decided to base some of our activities around sunflowers.
We will look at some sunflower paintings and then give the children opportunities to paint sunflower pictures, collage, and for those that did not do a threading last week we will be making sunflowers as a threading activity, all of these activities cover many of our stages of development, particularly physical development (handling tools).

We will be continuing on with games and activities to continue learning and exploring counting and recognising numerals ( mathematical development).

We are also going to use the sunflowers outside to talk about height and measuring.

The children will also have the opportunity to try sunflower seeds at snack time, let us know if your child cannot eat them.


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