Saturday 31 March 2012


Our school needs your help to collect Tesco schools vouchers! Vouchers
collected in previous years have exceeded 20,000 and have helped us to obtain
some exciting resources. This year we are looking to set a school record and
collect more vouchers than ever before! Please try to collect as many vouchers
as you can and do not be afraid to ask your friends, neighbours, work
colleagues for their vouchers as well. Many people who do not have children
simply discard these vouchers and we could make valuable use of them.
Collecting boxes are by the school office. Please bring in your vouchers on or
before 01/06/12.

Friday 30 March 2012

Mr F's Bangalore blog


Why not follow Mr Farrington on his Bangalore Blog which he will be updating everyday whilst in Inda.

Monday 26 March 2012

Week of 26th March 2012-Morning and all day children

We will be thinking about Easter and asking children what words they use to describe Easter. We will use these words this week as a reference for our learning for example are we using the words as ideas for crafts, snacks and to reflect our sense of community.

On friday we will be joining school for a bears and pyjama day working with our partners in Year 3 using the story of the Gruffalo.

PSRN:- Using the role play Easter shop to record, make lists and count.

CLL:- Easter books, stories and an easter poem, easter must be coming by Brenda Williams.
Friday- the Gruffalo

@Home:- Please fill in a star to say if you or someone in your family comes from somewhere else apart from dorchester.


Week of 26th March 2012-Afternoon children

This week we will be enjoying stories and crafts about Easter.

We will be doing paint and collage activities to make our decorations.

We had a lovely week last week, hope everyone enjoyed the very hungry caterpillar as much as we did.

PSRN:- Using songs to count,
5 hot cross buns in the bakers shop etc

CLL:- Easter stories including Spots first Easter

@Home:- Sing counting songs and rhymes


Friday 23 March 2012

REMINDER - Ofsted Parent View

As you know at the Prince of Wales First School we are always looking for
feedback and encourage you to provide this in a variety of ways. Whether this
is through face-to-face conversation, comments on our class blogs or through
our annual parents questionnaire, we always welcome your feedback. Building on
this, we would now encourage you to go online and express your views using the
new 'Parent View' website from Ofsted. This 12-question survey will help other
parents as they make important choices about their child's education and
provide Ofsted with information about our school that will help them inform
their priorities for inspection. The questionnaire does not allow free text
comments but invites responses to a series of closed questions. To express your
view, please visit our school website now and click on the parent tab and look
for the link to the Parent View website. Alternatively, visit:

Thursday 22 March 2012

Sport Relief Mile

We are planning to join in with the “Sport Relief Day” on Friday 23rd March by all “running a mile” within the school grounds and dressing up in fancy dress (the theme being “something silly”). There will be a 3-lap course set up within the school. Different groups of children will be covering the mile-long course in different ways- mostly walking, some children using wheelchairs, some running parts of the course, there might be some skipping, dribbling footballs, balancing tennis balls on rackets etc. I’m sure you get the idea. We will be encouraging the children to come up with their own entertaining ideas for the event. Older children will be allowed to cover more than a mile if they are comfortable doing so, though we will be limiting the amount of time participating to one hour. The children will not be put under any pressure to actually finish the mile if they become tired. We will, however, be presenting the activity as a worthy challenge. We will be doing this on the morning of Friday 23rd March, starting at 9.30, though staggering the classes to avoid congestion at the start. The Reception class will be doing the “run” in the afternoon. We are asking the children to collect some sponsorship money. All money collected will go to the Sport Relief fund. We provide you with a copy of the Sport Relief sponsor form. As well as a funny costume the children will of course need appropriate footwear for the “run”. Thank you for your support. Yours sincerely, Mr D MacBean - P.E. Co-ordinator

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Week of 19th March- Afternoon Children

Last Thursday the children enjoyed the story of the very hungry caterpillar, so this week we will be using the book as our inspiration to make caterpillars and butterflies.
We will also be starting to discover and learn about Easter and Spring.

PSRN:- Lots of sorting and matching activities. Using the very hungry caterpillar to count days of the week in the story and how much food etc.

CLL:- The very hungry caterpillar, Books about spring and growing, Books and pictures about Easter.

@Home:- Are there bulbs coming up in your garden or can you see any at the park or somewhere else?

Have you seen any ladybirds, bugs or frogs spawn?

Week of 19th March- Morning/All day sessions

This week is set to be very busy for all of us at pre-school. We are joining with the school for a week about the Olympics.
We have chosen to think about our own country and find out where we live on the map and where around the country our friends and family are from.
We have two exciting activities this week, On Tuesday Bill from JUNIOUR GEO is coming to talk about fossils and on wednesday we will be visiting the Jurassix Coast Van. Too look and explore their fossils.

PSRN:- Using maths language to talk about size, big, medium and small. Weighing and comparing using maths language such as heavy and light.

CLL:- We will be looking at lots of non-fiction books, pictures and using the internet to 'research' our topic.

@Home:- Please fill in a star to say if you or someone in your family comes from somewhere else apart from Dorchester. If you have any interesting fossils or rocks at home please bring them in to show us.

Monday 19 March 2012

Jurassic Coast Van

As part of our Olympic Humanities Week, all pupils will be visited by the Jurassic Coast Van on Wednesday. This is part of the ‘Big Jurassic Classroom’ project that the school is involved in which encourages us to think about our local World Heritage Site as the Olympics draws closer. On Wednesday why not ask your child what work they completed with the Jurassic Coast Team? Did they see any fossils? Can they remember the fossil names? How is a fossil formed?

Thursday 15 March 2012

Dangers posed by Jequirity Bean Bracelets

The DCC Health and Safety team have alerted us to the dangers posed by Jequirity Bean bracelets. These bracelets have been on sale at various retail outlets across the UK,including the Eden Project in Cornwall.  The Jequirity bean bracelet ismade from the deadly seed of the plant abrus precatorious. It contains thetoxin abrin that if swallowed, has the potential to kill in doses of just 3micrograms. Abrin is chemically similar to ricin, a chemical warfare agent.People who have bought, or are in possession of the bracelets, are beingurged to bag them, then wash their hands and avoid touching their eyes.They should then hand the bracelet into their local police station where itwill be disposed of safely.There is further information available on the Public Health Agency websiteon the following link: have attached an image of the bracelet for your information.

Monday 12 March 2012

Week of 12th march- afternoon children

This week we will be making something special for an important event next weekend!!!

We will be looking at things that are starting to grow, flowers, bulbs and seeds.

PSRN:- lots of sorting and matching activities.

CLL:- The bad tempered ladybird.
Books about spring and growing

@Home:- are there bulbs coming up in your garden or can you see any at the park or somewhere else?
Have you seen any ladybirds, bugs or frog spawn?

Week of 12th March 2012- morning children

A busy week this week starting off with our trip to the garden centre. We will be looking for seeds, and at spring bulbs, flowers and vegetable plants.

We will be looking at the mothers day and Easter displays, we are going to photograph the things we like best and decide what we want to plant in the outside space.
Finishing off with a trip to the cafe.

We will also be preparing something special for a special event!!

PSRN:- counting everyday objects when we visit the garden centre
Paying at the till at the cafe
Setting up a role play flower shop

CLL:- recording in our learning journeys about our trip
Looking at books about spring
Reading together books about mothers day.

@home:- are there bulbs coming up in your garden or can you see any at the park or somewhere else. Have you seen any ladybirds, bugs, frogs spawn.

Monday 5 March 2012

Week of 5th March

This week we will continue with our global awareness theme, talking about fair- trade.

We will be entertaining our grandparents to elevenses using fair trade foods and drinks.

We will be finishing off some crafts and jobs from last week and preparing a surprise for a forth coming special event!

PSRN:- Fruit and Vegetable shop. Board games and card games.

CLL:- Charlie and Lola chocolate book. Enjoying a poem about ourselves.

@Home:- Can you find the fair trade emblem at home or at the shops.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Friday's Celebration Event

On Friday 2nd March, there will be some displays in the hall from each class
showing their work this week on Global Awareness. Each class will also have
some food they have made to sell! We shall also be putting on some dance and
music displays throughout the afternoon. This is intended to be a very
informal celebration of the week's work and you are invited to join us at any
time from 2.15p.m. until 3.45p.m. There will also be a Traidcraft stall selling
Fairtrade items and providing information. If you are not able to come along
you might give your child a small amount of money for them to buy some food
from the other class stalls.

Mid Week question

Please bring in a picture of a birthday party for a letter toLamin and Mustapha in Gambia.

Week of 27th February 2012

This week we will be joining with the school to explore global awareness week. We will be exploring maps and the globe and plotting on the map where our snacks and school lunch comes from.

We will prepare some food for the celebrations cafe on Friday.

We will be creating a work of art to display at school.

we will be enjoying different kinds of music from around the world and lots of different musical instruments.

we are going to write a letter to Lamin and Mustapha in Mandinari (Gambia) telling them about our pre-school, we would also like to send some photos of how we celebrate birthdays. Would you have a party photo of your child we could send? Please let us Know.

PSRN:- One Child, One seed-A south African Counting Book.
Song:- 5 brown baguettes

CLL:- Lots of books from around the worlds, including Charlie and Lola love chocolate and Handas Surprise. A is for Africa, I is for India, Around the world in an afternoon. Maps and Atlases.

@Home:- Look out for the far trade logo on food at the shops and at home.
Look at an atlas at home. Bring in a party photo please.