Tuesday 20 March 2012

Week of 19th March- Morning/All day sessions

This week is set to be very busy for all of us at pre-school. We are joining with the school for a week about the Olympics.
We have chosen to think about our own country and find out where we live on the map and where around the country our friends and family are from.
We have two exciting activities this week, On Tuesday Bill from JUNIOUR GEO is coming to talk about fossils and on wednesday we will be visiting the Jurassix Coast Van. Too look and explore their fossils.

PSRN:- Using maths language to talk about size, big, medium and small. Weighing and comparing using maths language such as heavy and light.

CLL:- We will be looking at lots of non-fiction books, pictures and using the internet to 'research' our topic.

@Home:- Please fill in a star to say if you or someone in your family comes from somewhere else apart from Dorchester. If you have any interesting fossils or rocks at home please bring them in to show us.

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