Monday 12 March 2012

Week of 12th March 2012- morning children

A busy week this week starting off with our trip to the garden centre. We will be looking for seeds, and at spring bulbs, flowers and vegetable plants.

We will be looking at the mothers day and Easter displays, we are going to photograph the things we like best and decide what we want to plant in the outside space.
Finishing off with a trip to the cafe.

We will also be preparing something special for a special event!!

PSRN:- counting everyday objects when we visit the garden centre
Paying at the till at the cafe
Setting up a role play flower shop

CLL:- recording in our learning journeys about our trip
Looking at books about spring
Reading together books about mothers day.

@home:- are there bulbs coming up in your garden or can you see any at the park or somewhere else. Have you seen any ladybirds, bugs, frogs spawn.


  1. At the weekend we saw lots of Ladybirds in our garden - they were enjoying the sunshine! We also saw a bumble bee yesterday - he was collecting nectar to make lovely honey:)

    1. PS - Ben tells me he saw 10 strawberries at the garden centre!

  2. There are lots of daffodils,tulips and crocus in our garden. We have some very fluffy pussy willow on our weeping willow tree and our apple trees have got lots of buds ready to burst.
