Wednesday 24 October 2012

Phoneix card orders

If you would like to order your phoneix card orders, please can all forms be handed in by tomorrow (25th October). The orders are being collected at 3.30pm.  30% of all orders go towards Pre-school fundraising.

Monday 22 October 2012

Week of 22nd October 2012

The children have been continuing enjoying the book 'I see fall' we have been looking at the different things that are happening on each page, then we have been trying to see if we can do them in the
classroom, so this week we will be dressing up, continuing on with autumn crafts, making lanterns.

Don't forget we break up for half term on Thursday 25th October and return Monday 5th November.

Communication and Language:- Listening and recall of 'I see fall' by Charles Jatkowska, this is a lovely American book, great for colours and rhyming.
Talking about new words, celebrate, silhouette, fall, britches, what do they mean and how can we use them.

Physical Development:- Dressing up, beginning to manage tops and trousers. Threading leaves.

PSED:- Thinking about kind hands.

@Home:- LOOK!!!!

Think about your favourite thing about Autumn and bring it in. It could be a picture or photo, a leaf, a conker, a story etc OR if you go to a firework display bring in a picture. Thank you.


Sunday 21 October 2012


The School Nurse will be running a drop in from 8:45am tomorrow morning (Monday 22nd October). Want to know more about what the School Nurse does please see this useful web link from Dorset HealthCare University NHS Trust:

Thursday 18 October 2012

Mid week question

Can you find your favourite picture or object about Autumn?
It could be a leaf, conkers or something very exciting!!!!

Tuesday 16 October 2012

POWSA Blog - Non ICT Day

I have this little sister Lola, she is small and very funny.  Next Wednesday (the 24th of October) will be a non-ICT day.  That means all the children, including Lola and all the teachers cannot use computers or other technology in school! There will be no blogging, no typing, no googling, no surfing. There will certainly be no interactive white boarding, no tweeting, no ipadding, no videoing and certainly no tomatoes! Lola is looking forward to catching out her teachers, if they use some ICT, they have to pay a 50p fine!  Hopefully all the children will help Lola and raise funds for the school. Thank you - Charlie (and the POWSA Committee) - PS donations to POWSA for school equipment will be welcomed (as always!!)

POWSA Blog - Book Fair!

Just a quick reminder that the scholastic book fair starts today.  The books are available to browse by both children and parents after school Wed-Mon and at the parents evening tonight. Why not stock up on a few Christmas presents, or introduce your kids to another fantastic author? Once our target has been reached, the school receive 60% of the profit back to spend on books for school.  This has proven a very profitable venture in the past and we hope to replicate the success again this year!

Monday 15 October 2012

week of 15th October

This week we will continue to learn and explore all about Autumn, it's colours and the weather.
We will be threading, making a collage, using clay and waiting for a windy day to play with ballons.

Communication and language:-

Listening to 'I see fall' by Charles Jatkowska, this is a lovely American book, great for colours and rhyming. Look for the book on our pre-school link under literacy.
Thinking about words and sounds to descibe the autumn weather.

Physical Development:-
An Autumn walk, threading leaves.
PSED thinking about kind hands

@Home LOOK!!!!!

If you go out picking blackberries this weekend, why not bring some in to share with us.
Don't forget to go to the school book sale, scholastic books are very good, and the pre-school and school earn commission.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Week of 8th October 2012

This week we will be continuing with our topic about Harvest and autumn. Learning about the different things that are made from wheat and oats.
Talking and learning about autumn and what happens in the autumn.
Some of the things we will be doing this week include junk modelling, cooking, threading and using lovely autumn colours to paint.

Don't forget to look at the preschool pupil links.

Communication and Language:-
Listening to 'I see fall' by Charles Jatkowska, this is a lovely American book, great for colours and rhyming. Thinking about all the words to describe Autumn.

Physical development:-

Using fingers and hands to paint, use tools, kneading bread and using our fingers for action rhymes and songs.

PSED:- Thinking about kind hands.

@Home LOOK!!!!!

Take a look at our new pupil link to Tractor Ted, Which tells you what is happening on the farm this month, Thank you Scarlett and her family for giving us the link.