Monday 22 October 2012

Week of 22nd October 2012

The children have been continuing enjoying the book 'I see fall' we have been looking at the different things that are happening on each page, then we have been trying to see if we can do them in the
classroom, so this week we will be dressing up, continuing on with autumn crafts, making lanterns.

Don't forget we break up for half term on Thursday 25th October and return Monday 5th November.

Communication and Language:- Listening and recall of 'I see fall' by Charles Jatkowska, this is a lovely American book, great for colours and rhyming.
Talking about new words, celebrate, silhouette, fall, britches, what do they mean and how can we use them.

Physical Development:- Dressing up, beginning to manage tops and trousers. Threading leaves.

PSED:- Thinking about kind hands.

@Home:- LOOK!!!!

Think about your favourite thing about Autumn and bring it in. It could be a picture or photo, a leaf, a conker, a story etc OR if you go to a firework display bring in a picture. Thank you.


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