Sunday 7 October 2012

Week of 8th October 2012

This week we will be continuing with our topic about Harvest and autumn. Learning about the different things that are made from wheat and oats.
Talking and learning about autumn and what happens in the autumn.
Some of the things we will be doing this week include junk modelling, cooking, threading and using lovely autumn colours to paint.

Don't forget to look at the preschool pupil links.

Communication and Language:-
Listening to 'I see fall' by Charles Jatkowska, this is a lovely American book, great for colours and rhyming. Thinking about all the words to describe Autumn.

Physical development:-

Using fingers and hands to paint, use tools, kneading bread and using our fingers for action rhymes and songs.

PSED:- Thinking about kind hands.

@Home LOOK!!!!!

Take a look at our new pupil link to Tractor Ted, Which tells you what is happening on the farm this month, Thank you Scarlett and her family for giving us the link.

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