Monday 26 November 2012

Week of 26th November 2012

This week we are off to the garden centre to look at the Chirtsmas decorations, from the trip we will be creating pictures in our learning journeys, making christmas decorations and much more, we will be listening to what the children have enjoyed to plan their learning.

We are also continuing this week to learn and discover about celebrations and the different ways we celebrate, leading up to christmas of course!

We are also planning to make something to sell at the Christmas Faye which takes place after school on the 7th December, we do hope you can come along.

Commuincation and Language:- Stories about families and celebrations
Celebrations around the world. Use fiction books about celebrations to ask children whjat they think is happening in the pictures.

Personal Social and Emotional:-

Taking turns, working together, helping each other (getting on and falling out)
Self confidence and self awareness, Communicate freely about home and community.

@Home LOOK!!!!

Can you bring in a picture of celebration you have had at home with family and or friends. Look out for the new link about celebrations under preschool understanding of the world.

Monday 19 November 2012

Week of 19th November 2012

Last we enjoyed learning about hibernation and hedgehogs, we will be continuing with that this week.
Also we will be thinking about being special and unique, and will be talking about similarties and differences in relation to family and friends.

On the 22nd we will look at American Thanksgiving. Do you have family or friends in America?

Communication and Language:- Stories about families and celebrations. Use stories to focus children's attention on predictions and explanations e.g. Why did? What do you think happened next?

Personal Social and Emotional Development:-
Taking turns, working together, helping each other (getting on and falling out)
Self confidence and self awareness; communicate freely about home and community.

@Home:- LOOK!!!!!

Can you bring in a picture of celebration you have had at home with family and/or friends.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Children in Need

On Friday 16th November we will be supporting Children in Need. We are having a spotted theme.
Children can wear something spotty and bring a contribution towards Children in Need.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

week of 12th November 2012

Last week we read Badgers Bath by Nick Butterworth, which the children really enjoyed, this led to lots of discussion about animals that live in parks and woods, what they eat, where they sleep and hibernation.
So this week we are going to look at a selection of stories and books about small animals and we will be planning our activities from the questions the children ask.
We hope to have a visit from a small spiky animal and some animals with hard shells!
We will be playing lots of number games, includinh a hedgehog counting game.

Communication and language:-

Introducing new words such as hibernate.
Use stories to focus children's attention on predictions and explanations e.g. why did? what do you think happened next?

Personal social and emotional development:-

Taking turns, working together, helping each others (gettting on and falling out)
Using Percy the park keeper stories.

@Home:- LOOK!!!!!

This week look at the preschool links for a link to Nick Butterworth and to the year cycle of a hedgehog.
Has anyone got pet mice they would like to bring to show us?

Monday 5 November 2012

Bingo Night

Don't forget Bingo night this friday (9th November) to support the Prince of Wales pre-school fundraising. Please come to the main school hall for 6pm and bingo books will be for sale on the night at £1.50 a book.
We would also appreciate your help with refreshments for the night and will send home paper plates for the cake sales.
Thank you and hope to see you there.

Week of 5th November 2012

This week we will be celebrating bonfire night with lots of crafts, music and role play.
We will be exploring the words in the whizz, crackle and bang poem thinking about how they sound.

Communication and Language

Firework poems 'november night countdown by Moria Andrew
Whiz, crackle, band by Tony Milton

Physical development:-

Dressing up for a bonfire party role play, building bonfires with logs and sticks. (No fire)!!!
Using one handed tools and equipment to make firework crafts.

If you go to a firework display bring in a picutre or find one in a book or magazine. Thank you.