Tuesday 13 November 2012

week of 12th November 2012

Last week we read Badgers Bath by Nick Butterworth, which the children really enjoyed, this led to lots of discussion about animals that live in parks and woods, what they eat, where they sleep and hibernation.
So this week we are going to look at a selection of stories and books about small animals and we will be planning our activities from the questions the children ask.
We hope to have a visit from a small spiky animal and some animals with hard shells!
We will be playing lots of number games, includinh a hedgehog counting game.

Communication and language:-

Introducing new words such as hibernate.
Use stories to focus children's attention on predictions and explanations e.g. why did? what do you think happened next?

Personal social and emotional development:-

Taking turns, working together, helping each others (gettting on and falling out)
Using Percy the park keeper stories.

@Home:- LOOK!!!!!

This week look at the preschool links for a link to Nick Butterworth and to the year cycle of a hedgehog.
Has anyone got pet mice they would like to bring to show us?

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