Monday 19 November 2012

Week of 19th November 2012

Last we enjoyed learning about hibernation and hedgehogs, we will be continuing with that this week.
Also we will be thinking about being special and unique, and will be talking about similarties and differences in relation to family and friends.

On the 22nd we will look at American Thanksgiving. Do you have family or friends in America?

Communication and Language:- Stories about families and celebrations. Use stories to focus children's attention on predictions and explanations e.g. Why did? What do you think happened next?

Personal Social and Emotional Development:-
Taking turns, working together, helping each other (getting on and falling out)
Self confidence and self awareness; communicate freely about home and community.

@Home:- LOOK!!!!!

Can you bring in a picture of celebration you have had at home with family and/or friends.

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