Friday 25 October 2013

half term

We all hope that you all have a lovely half term holiday.
I hope you enjoy the owl puppets that the children have brought  home, so they can tell their family the story of the owl babies.

If you enjoy a Halloween or firework event over the holiday we would love to hear about it when we return.

Thank you to those who came to the stay and play sessions, there is another on 5th November, then some more before the end of this coming half term.

Don't forget the planned fun sessions at the library next week on Monday and Wednesday (see past blog for details)

Sunday 20 October 2013

Pumpkin soup

Last week the children really enjoyed the owl babies story, it was so nice to see so many of the children acting out the story with the owl puppets.

So this week we have decided to use another Autumn style book, it is called Pumpkin soup and continues on with our focus on feelings, and how things sometimes make us sad, worried, frightened, happy, pleased etc. some of the children have made a lovely display and have been writing the words, do find time to have a look.  It also reminds us of how important it is to be nice and kind to our friends.(PSED, PD).

Within our focus of the pumpkin soup book as many children as can will be making pumpkin soup this week, using our pumpkins, onions and carrots from our garden, that the children planted in the summer. (UW, PD)

The children will also be making an Autumn collage using the colours in the book and another book called Autumn by Gerda Miller.

We also hope for a windy day to make some kites (UW, EAD)

We will be continuing with our counting and recognising written numerals with games and puzzles (MD)

Last week I sent out some books to share at home with the family, please pass the book on when you have finished with it so everyone can have a go, each book has to pass around 6 or 7 families so don't worry one will be coming your way, do write a comment about the story, if you enjoyed it etc, all comments are valuable to us.

Don't forget our stay and play on 23rd, and 24th October 8.30 - 9.05 and 5th Nov 8.30 - 9.05.
Do sign your name for one of the sessions on the yellow sheets in the corridor.

22nd October Christmas photographs.
22nd October fundraising committee meeting, 7.30, Poet Laureate.


Thursday 17 October 2013

books and the LIBRARY

PLEASE don't forget we have a lovely selection of pre school books in the hall until Monday evening, do try and find a minute to have a look, a large amount of the sale is given back to pre school.

There are two lovely activities taking place at the Dorchester library in half term.
Jurassic Jamboree wed. 30th Oct  9.45-12.45,is  a drop in session that includes stories, painting, a fossil dig, fossil painting workshop and underwater monster colouring all FREE
Mon 28th Oct 2.00-4.00pm Autumn Fun, another drop in session of fun stories, and crafts FREE.

Or just pop along to the children's section anytime and see if you can find any books about hedgehogs or fireworks, two themes we are covering when we return.
Remember you can take out up to 12 BOOKS, all FREE.

don't forget the Autumn Fest Friday, 18th, main school 5pm          AMANDA

Saturday 12 October 2013

owl babies

This week we will be reading the story of the Owl Babies. this is such a nice story for children to start thinking about their feelings and about how others might be feeling. (PSED)

We will be making story puppets, which the children will be bringing home to share the story with their family. (CL, PSED)

The children will also have the opportunity to act out the story with small world toys, and sequence the story with story cards. (CL, L)

We will also be painting pictures, collaging, and using clay to make owls. (PD, EAD).

On Wednesday and Thursday this week our healthy food focus will be savoury crackers, these will include slices of hard boiled egg, so if your child has an egg allergy you haven't told us about, do let a staff member know.

Other activities this coming week will include threading activities, using sand trays to write our names, cutting out, board games, and IT activities on the whiteboard and computers in pre school and school. We have also borrowed a lovely water park activity and balancing game from TREATS, for outside play.

On Friday 18th it is the school Autumn fest (letters in pigeon holes) so the children will be making cornflake cakes and popcorn cups for the refreshment stall. The children really enjoy making things for school events so if you are able to come along Friday evening we will look forward to seeing you there.

We are all looking forward to a busy week!!                         Amanda

Thursday 10 October 2013

Dont forget !

A couple of dates for the diary......

22 October, Christmas photos, everyone has had a letter.

school book fair. This will be held in school, however we will have the nursery books in pre school,  starting Tuesday 22 October, there will be details next week.

On the 23rd and 24th October and 5th November we will be holding the first of our stay and play sessions.
These start at 8.30 and finish at 9.05. You are welcome to arrive in that time and have a play, read a book, draw a picture or take part in an activity, this is a time for you to stay and discover some of the toys and resources we have at pre school, ask any questions about them or look at the children's learning journeys.
 you will NOT be able to drop off early as there will not be enough staff supervision.

As the group is large we are putting up a list on Monday (14TH)  to add your name if you would like to come. There are about 18 places per morning.

If your child only attends in the afternoon, your stay and play session will be after half term, watch out for the date.

Sunday 6 October 2013

it must be Autumn

This week we will be reading a poem to the children called it must be Autumn,
I have chosen this poem because there are some lovely sounds and rhymes in it, which I am sure the children will enjoy saying and playing with. We will be sending a copy of the poem home for you to enjoy with the family. (CL speaking)

We will also take some of the lines in the poem to create some art work, and enjoy some number activities.

This week the children will also be harvesting the carrots we planted last term, and using them to make something tasty and to eat for snack. (UW, PD)

We have lots of number activities planned counting into groups and recognising numerals, if your child recognises numerals in the home or when you are out and about, why not let us know on a wow.
( MD numbers)
The children will also be continuing to explore sizes with activities in  water play and with pulses and different sizes of spoons.

We are collecting conkers for a number activity, if you find some when you are out and about why not bring them in.


Wednesday 2 October 2013


Apologies to you all as I have had internet difficulties at home AND school. However all sorted so.....

This week we have been learning and exploring Harvest (UW)

We have been doing some lovely art work using the colours red, orange, yellow, brown and green. The children have been marble printing to create pictures of leaves and vegetables which we are using to decorate 2 wreaths for the harvest festival in the school hall (EAD PD)

the children will also be picking the sunflowers from our garden to use in the harvest display.

Each class has been asked to make a model of a season for the display, the pre school were asked to do the beach, so as we have been looking at the Lighthouse Keepers stories some of the children have made a model of a scene from the story, which was all their own ideas and work. (CL and thinking critically).

The children will also be making flapjacks and bags of popcorn to sell by year 4 at the harvest café on Friday afternoon. (MD, PD, UW)

If you would like to see all the schools art work and have a cuppa the café is open Friday 2.30-3.30.

Friday afternoon children will be having their afternoon snack at the café.

Thank you to all the parents who have been filling in WOWs about the wonderful achievements, however big or small of your children, these are so important to show good home school learning.
We have enjoyed hearing that some of the children are talking about sizes at home, brilliant.