Saturday 12 October 2013

owl babies

This week we will be reading the story of the Owl Babies. this is such a nice story for children to start thinking about their feelings and about how others might be feeling. (PSED)

We will be making story puppets, which the children will be bringing home to share the story with their family. (CL, PSED)

The children will also have the opportunity to act out the story with small world toys, and sequence the story with story cards. (CL, L)

We will also be painting pictures, collaging, and using clay to make owls. (PD, EAD).

On Wednesday and Thursday this week our healthy food focus will be savoury crackers, these will include slices of hard boiled egg, so if your child has an egg allergy you haven't told us about, do let a staff member know.

Other activities this coming week will include threading activities, using sand trays to write our names, cutting out, board games, and IT activities on the whiteboard and computers in pre school and school. We have also borrowed a lovely water park activity and balancing game from TREATS, for outside play.

On Friday 18th it is the school Autumn fest (letters in pigeon holes) so the children will be making cornflake cakes and popcorn cups for the refreshment stall. The children really enjoy making things for school events so if you are able to come along Friday evening we will look forward to seeing you there.

We are all looking forward to a busy week!!                         Amanda


  1. Ella is looking forward to reading owl babies. We have it at home and she loves it!

    1. I hope Ella has enjoyed the owl related tasks this week
