Wednesday 2 October 2013


Apologies to you all as I have had internet difficulties at home AND school. However all sorted so.....

This week we have been learning and exploring Harvest (UW)

We have been doing some lovely art work using the colours red, orange, yellow, brown and green. The children have been marble printing to create pictures of leaves and vegetables which we are using to decorate 2 wreaths for the harvest festival in the school hall (EAD PD)

the children will also be picking the sunflowers from our garden to use in the harvest display.

Each class has been asked to make a model of a season for the display, the pre school were asked to do the beach, so as we have been looking at the Lighthouse Keepers stories some of the children have made a model of a scene from the story, which was all their own ideas and work. (CL and thinking critically).

The children will also be making flapjacks and bags of popcorn to sell by year 4 at the harvest café on Friday afternoon. (MD, PD, UW)

If you would like to see all the schools art work and have a cuppa the café is open Friday 2.30-3.30.

Friday afternoon children will be having their afternoon snack at the café.

Thank you to all the parents who have been filling in WOWs about the wonderful achievements, however big or small of your children, these are so important to show good home school learning.
We have enjoyed hearing that some of the children are talking about sizes at home, brilliant.

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