Sunday 30 March 2014


What a busy book week we had last  week! We had two very enjoyable sessions with year 2 and Reception, We read 2 books, with year 2 we read Handas Surprise, and enjoyed a delicious fruit tasting afterwards. With Reception we had a super afternoon reading' The crayons that wanted to quit', and enjoying some activities with the reception children, there are photographs on display, do have a look.

This week we will be celebrating Easter, with lots of crafts, some cooking, Easter egg hunts and songs.
We will be continuing with our rhyming books, and Easter stories. One of our maths activities will be a bakers shop, with hot cross buns, counting, and writing and recording numbers.
On Wednesday we have chickens visiting, we hope to make egg sandwiches after their visit!

After the Easter holiday don't forget to look at your child's changing bag, the clothes hopefully will need changing into something a bit more summery and possibly a different size.

Please return your funding forms as soon as you can.  Amanda

Sunday 23 March 2014

book week

Dear All,
This week we will be  joining in with  the whole school for book week.
We have a very exciting week planned. On Wednesday morning we will be joining Year 2 to read and act the story of  'Handas  Suprise'.

On Thursday we will be spending the afternoon with reception reading and taking part in activities based around the book 'The Day The Crayons Quit' by Drew Daywalt (pictures by Oliver Jeffers)

On Friday morning we shall be joining year 4 to listen to stories in their reading dens.

If you have not been using the pre school library why not start this week? The children can choose any book they wish to enjoy at home.
We have really enjoyed the last 2 weeks of our 'Aliens Love Underpants' stories, I think you will agree the children have done some lovely crafts and activities, do look around the playroom.

We are very short of underwear and trousers to change the children into, please remember a set of clean clothes in your child's changing bag, and please return anything we have lent you.

DONT FORGET BINGO NIGHT IN THE SCHOOL HALL ON FRIDAY 28TH MARCH. If you have not been before do come along, its great fun, the children love it and its not too late. more details up on posters around the pre school

Sunday 16 March 2014

Space and Aliens

Dear Everyone,
We are enjoying our theme about Space and Alien books and will be continuing this week.
We will be making puppets and using a projector to create shadow puppets, retelling the story of 'Aliens Love Underpants', and making up Alien stories of our own.
The children will also be able to make Aliens using hand prints, then using other materials to make their pictures, adding eyes, etc.
Some of the children have been making wonderful Space models (do have a look at them), they are all their own work. If your child has not had an opportunity to make a model, we will be continuing this activity the first week back after Easter.
Thank you to all those who took part in the bike and scooter decorating activity, there are photographs on the playroom wall, and we have also put photographs up in the school hall.


Wednesday 12 March 2014

Aliens and space

We are having a lovely time this week with our  'Aliens love underpants' theme. The children have been making some super models of rockets, robots and space stations.
There are lots of decorated underpants and aliens around the playroom, do have a look.
Some of the children have also spent 3 days playing rockets and space stations with some very big boxes outside. This has been great fun and now the card is all flat, but this has still been fun this afternoon.

Next week one of our past students will be returning to observe the children for her university course. None of the children's names will be used and no photographs will be taken. Do let us know if you would like more information etc.

Please be assured that we value all the children's pictures, paintings, crafts and work.
Sometimes we put it in their learning journeys or photograph it as evidence for stages of development. We also love to celebrate the wonderful work by making displays. So sometimes work cannot come home straight away, however please be assured the pictures etc will come home or be in their learning journeys or saved for a display. Amanda

Sunday 9 March 2014

Aliens love underpants

A lot of the children have been showing an interest in rockets, robots and space stations in their play. We have also been enjoying our rhyming books and activities, therefore what better way to combine the two than to have a theme centred around the 'Aliens love underpants' books.
Within the theme we will be decorating pictures of underpants ( making patterns and exploring colours).
The children will be able to do some 'junk modelling' making rockets, space stations and robots.
We will be painting aliens using neon colours, creating a space station outside and lots more.

We will also continue with our rhyming activities, the children are beginning to have lots of fun seeing how many words they can make that rhyme.
How about a WOW if you notice some rhyming at home?

Also as part of The Big Pedal 2014' the children at school are riding their bikes and scooters to school. There are some lovely photos in the school hall of the children on their bikes and scooters, some of which have been decorated. We thought we could decorate them with flags or streamers and put the photos up at school, so if your child would like to ride their bike or scooter and join in that would be lovely.

Sunday 2 March 2014


We have a very good book to base our theme around this week, it is called Mr Wolf's pancakes by Jan Fearnley.
The book has lots of different aspects for the children to enjoy, play and learn from.
There is making lists, looking at recipe books, making pancakes, counting and shopping, and threading through the book there are lots of traditional tales and nursery rhymes to discover and recognise.
Another aspect through the book is about feelings, being kind to each other and helping each other when we need help.
Of course we will be eating pancakes and enjoying pancake songs and rhymes and pancake races!
We will trying to see how many words we can think of that start with p, and continuing on with rhyming.