Sunday 16 March 2014

Space and Aliens

Dear Everyone,
We are enjoying our theme about Space and Alien books and will be continuing this week.
We will be making puppets and using a projector to create shadow puppets, retelling the story of 'Aliens Love Underpants', and making up Alien stories of our own.
The children will also be able to make Aliens using hand prints, then using other materials to make their pictures, adding eyes, etc.
Some of the children have been making wonderful Space models (do have a look at them), they are all their own work. If your child has not had an opportunity to make a model, we will be continuing this activity the first week back after Easter.
Thank you to all those who took part in the bike and scooter decorating activity, there are photographs on the playroom wall, and we have also put photographs up in the school hall.


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