Sunday 30 March 2014


What a busy book week we had last  week! We had two very enjoyable sessions with year 2 and Reception, We read 2 books, with year 2 we read Handas Surprise, and enjoyed a delicious fruit tasting afterwards. With Reception we had a super afternoon reading' The crayons that wanted to quit', and enjoying some activities with the reception children, there are photographs on display, do have a look.

This week we will be celebrating Easter, with lots of crafts, some cooking, Easter egg hunts and songs.
We will be continuing with our rhyming books, and Easter stories. One of our maths activities will be a bakers shop, with hot cross buns, counting, and writing and recording numbers.
On Wednesday we have chickens visiting, we hope to make egg sandwiches after their visit!

After the Easter holiday don't forget to look at your child's changing bag, the clothes hopefully will need changing into something a bit more summery and possibly a different size.

Please return your funding forms as soon as you can.  Amanda

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