Sunday 8 June 2014

train journeys

The children have been enjoying our topic about trains which we plan to continue this week.
 Some of the children have been discovering about trains using the internet, and have been making posters about what they have found out, choosing their favourite pictures to illustrate them.
 The children have also been recalling where they have been on a train, and where they would like to go, we have written for them and the children have coloured in pictures to go with their thoughts.
All these pieces of work are on the board along with some lovely big train track pictures, do look out for them.
The children have also been role playing train journeys outside, and this week for mathematical development we are going to make tickets, buying and selling them to train travellers.
We will also continue to explore our new water activity centre, the children have come up with some amazing ideas of how they want to use the water centre, including seeing if we can make a moat around the climbing frame. great creative thinking!

We continue to enjoy train stories and poems, and have made a very long list of all the words we can think of beginning with t. the list is on the whiteboard in room 2, and its all the children's own thinking.
This coming week the children will also have the opportunity to make train models, do some watercolour painting and make fathers day cards.

Amanda and the pre school team

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