Wednesday 4 June 2014


The children are really interested and enjoying the start of our topic, journeys, starting with 'trains' Some of the children have done some track printing and are now drawing trains and scenery on their pictures.
 We asked the children how we could learn about trains, the answers included books, songs and the computer, so today with Julia some of the children have been making posters using the computer. They are on the big display board, do take a look.

Great excitement today as our new water activity equipment arrived, lots of fun this afternoon and for many sessions ahead, we will display some photos, and it will be out for all to see. So thank you to the fundraising committee and all parents who helped and contributed to enable us to buy it.

An idea for a WOW, have you been on a train? where did you go?

Thank you to the few parents who came to stay and play, next one Wednesday 11th June.

The reading information session is open to all parents. do try and come along.

Amanda and pre school team

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